We’re Safe. For Now.

May 05, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection, Trump

Facebook’s oversight board just announced it is upholding Facebook’s ban of Trump from the platform, but there is a Big But. The Big But is that it is giving Facebook 6 months to determine Trump’s actual punishment; that is, the board said that they can’t just indefinitely ban him, that Facebook must treat him like other users with definite punishment communicated to him.  That seems pretty easy, since he egregiously violated numerous policies; incite to violence by itself is reason to permanently ban him. Zuckerberg now just need to grow a spine and do it.

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0 Comments to “We’re Safe. For Now.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, rip off ten or so questions you would like to ask of Mark. Make him define terms.

    Mark ‘thinks’:

    But chief executive Mark Zuckerberg felt strongly that politicians should be given wide latitude because their speech was in the public interest.

    Maybe begin by asking him when “latitude” becomes the zone of lies. When did it become the “public interest” to be lied to?

  2. G Foresight says:

    Mark Z. is an Invertebrate. Follow the ad (corporate) money trends on FB. and that will largely determine the “latitude” provided.

  3. Jane & PKM, He also needs to define “politician” and “public interest” because he is obviously not a politician and nothing he says is in the public interest.

  4. Charles Dimmick says:

    What do you mean they cannot infinitely ban him? I was permanently banned from facebook fifteen years ago. Not that I did anything. I never even posted to facebook. But someone in Lagos, Nigeria [yes, I have confirmation of that] hacked my account, took it over, and did something which caused the ban.
    [They also completely erased my address book, and may have tried to get into my bank account].

  5. El Jefe says:

    @Charles – Facebook’s policy ranges from warnings, short bans of hours/days, and permanent bans. They’re treating Trump differently trying to avoid the inevitable backlash. There’s no question Trump should be permanently banned and should have years ago. Zuckerberg just needs to grow up and treat him like he would any Joe Schmo who incited or advocated violence. It’s clear cut.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Richard @3, to be honest we doubt Mark possesses ten words as properly defined in any standard dictionary. He’s all about the $$$.

    But it might be fun for El Jefe and others to pin him to the wall for his malarkey. Send him 1 or 2 or 10 questions a day, until he actually answers the questions or grabs a clue no one is buying his excuses.

    We don’t have Facebook accounts and never will. Deleted our Twitter accounts when it became apparent that Kellyanne Conway was not up to the task of absorbing her own ironies. She was “fun” for about a day in a head/desk bang sort of waste of time.

  7. john in denver says:

    A ban ought to last AT LEAST until December 17, 2024, the day after the Electoral College has cast their votes.

  8. Ranger Jay says:

    Once the potential $$$ start flashing before their eyes, the board will reverse the ban. Facebook is a toilet. Unfortunately, that toilet sometimes overflows with money.

    Facebook doesn’t care about morality or integrity. Or democracy. Only money.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    I never joined Facebook so this isn’t a daily issue for me, other than the news media having to report every burp and toot his majesty utters. It was wonderful when I no longer had to hear about this tweet or that. Frankly, unless he makes some genuine news, such as he’s filed to run for President or he has passed on to his eternal reward, I don’t want to hear about it.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf should be banned for life, but everything he said and did is now mainstream GQP. They’ve basically justified in their rhetoric the insurrection on 1/6. Trumpf’s ban just made him a victim to repugnanticans. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter (and never will be) and frankly don’t know what positive contribution they make to our society because lies and propaganda are a AOK with them. Current example is amplifying the anti- maskers and vaccine loudmouths.

  11. I’m another non FB or twitter person and more of a lurker here because I usually don’t have anything to add to your conversations, as they are generally brilliant (Not sarcasm! You folks are pretty cool). Also, I’m a damn yankee (2 words) so… Just a thought to share; I check the AP News website particularly the fact check and Not Real News pages. Sometimes quite interesting reading but YMMV. They generally have the latest facebook horse pucky “news” complete with information on the facts.

  12. Malarkey says:

    @Jane & PKM #6 – Malarkey. *sigh*

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Malarkey @12, please accept our sincere apologies. We were alluding to President Biden’s folksy use of the term malarkey. Mama doesn’t like it when we use Biden’s BFD like he did when the ACA passed Congress.

    Please, as a token of our respect accept the gift of the ***king moron’s grifting hit. Seems that his temporarily extended ban on Facebook is better than we initially thought. It slices deep into his fund raising for 2024.
