Well Now, There’s An Idea

February 24, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I guess a lightbulb came on over his head.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will postpone a CNN town hall slated for Monday to prepare for Tuesday’s debate in South Carolina.

I guess someone told him that he got barbequed in the last debate.  If he doesn’t want another 50 miles of rough road he might better find a way to answer criticism because I’m betting Trump is already practicing with a cardboard cut out of Bloomberg.

He better remember one thing about Elizabeth Warren taking him to the woodshed: she has a plan for that.  He might want to get one, too.


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0 Comments to “Well Now, There’s An Idea”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Meh. If Magic Mike cannot attend a townhall and prepare for a debate, he lacks the multitasking skills to be president. He needs to “woman up” if he thinks he can handle the rigors of a campaign. He’s private jetting to locations while other candidates ride the equivalent of coach. Remind me of who he reminds me of ….

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Jane and PKM, you are right. He better pull up his big girl panties and be ready for the give and take of debate. I’m sure it’s been a long time since he faced someone with a different opinion who actually expressed it!

  3. He is probably reviewing the playbooks of those d traitors who worked hard to sabotage US democracy in ’72 by stabbing McGovern in the back then spent the next 40 years blaming the victim for forcing them to betray their party.
    They did it again in Conn. by deserting the D nominee, Lamont, for thuglicrat lierman.
    The number of instances where Rahm supported recent converts from the r’s running against progressives d’s is endless. Even when the progressive won the primary rahm, and his subsequent acolytes, would deny support from party for winnable races where progressives had beat his pet thuglicrats in the primary.
    It was obvious he would rather have a thuglican then an independent progressive.
    So now we are seeing how people are prepping their playbook for another mass surrender to their fiscal masters and desert the D party.
    I am a Warren supporter and have some issues with Bernie but rather then accept a diktat from self entitled wealthy puppets like matthews.
    By the way when ever one of these pompous bloviators start babbling about how badly Bernie would do with demented donnies cohort of deplorables and dementia patients some one should point out how badly biden et.al. will do with grassroots who do the work.
    A recent “warning” about how Florida’s hispanic’s would not support Bernie because they fled so-called socialist countries failed to ask how many who have hispanics have fled from capitalist paradises of Puerto Rico, Haiti, Honduras and other right wing regimes from central and S. america.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    K @3, in the NV combined caucus and early primary, Senator Sanders won; he obviously has black and Hispanic support. JOPO but Senator Warren would have come in a very close second; however, due to the early vote her stellar debate performance 2/19 was too late to be considered by voters, and the early voting numbers were heavy. Heavy as in nearly besting the 2018 NV turnout.

    We’ll be happy with either Senator Warren or Sanders as the Democratic nominee. Would “rank” the other candidates 3-6, but will wait until everyone has had the opportunity to cast their ballots nationwide.

    Grandma Ada @2, thank you. Your opinion means more to us than occasionally being right does to us. We totally respect you!

  5. 1) Lamont also won majority in D primary but that didn’t stop D’s, including Sen. Obama, from deserting D nominee for thuglicrat lierman.
    2) Very few elections calendars have come to grips with increased absentee ballots and the effect early voters have.
    As a rule most debates are scheduled way too late for absentee voters. Studies have shown that upwards from 40% ( some up to 60%) of the people who do vote mark their absentee ballots within a couple of days of receiving ballot in mail.
    That means, accepting 2 weeks as standard time ballots are mailed out, that in many cases 40 to 60% of votes have been made before “traditionally” scheduled ( generally being within last week before election day) debates are irrelevant since such a large and decisive amount of the vote has been “banked”.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    K, before our ‘time,’ but some blame SCROTUS and/or Nader for Gore’s loss in 2000. Could his choice of running mate contributed to Gore’s loss? Maybe without Lieberman on the ticket he would have had sufficient numbers to post a decisive win.
    Your point 2) possibly credit Senator Warren with a statistical tie or a win such were the NV early numbers this year.

  7. I agree about lierman being a drag on the Gore ticket.
    I remember his “debate” with Cheney where he never challenged cheney on any of the thuglicans lies and agreed 100% with thuglican framing of issues.
    Just a nice chuckle fest of two old white men who could care less about any of the “others”.
    I remember during 2000 campaign everytime Gore would speak out about his true positions all the d “consultants” would rush to shut him down even after his poll numbers went up evert time he spoke up.
    Brazile was in thrall to her plutarch donor class and was more afraid of losing the money mens support rather then losing the election.
    ps I always blame Leon County where they allowed thuglican in a room with absentee ballots during the mail in voting period with NO supervision.
    Any votes detroyed, changed or rendered invalid by him were unknown but rather then follow the law where the appearence of corruption demanded the total disallowal of all the votes in the cty (where the twit won by more then his supposed statewide margin) the judge applied a standard where d’s had to “prove” that a single individual in an unsupervised room with every motivation to cheat had changed votes.

  8. 1) Seminole County not Leon
    2) even worst then I remembered allowed to “correct” mistakes

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    K, thank you. Not that your research would ever sway a Republicon, know that it will make my life easier if I have to repeat the 2016 holding my nose in the 2020 general election. Thinking never a Republicon ever should also do the trick.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    I’m also in the Warren or Sanders camp. My concern is that if, e.g., they both come in with around 30% of the delegates, then nobody wins the first round at the convention. That means the superdelegates get to come in and “save” the election by supporting some establishment candidate like Biden or (here I turn my head and spit) Bloomberg.

    The state I’m in (note that I don’t call it “my state”) has primary votes after Super Tuesday. If it looks like the superdelegate syndrome might occur, I’ll vote to get either of Sanders or Warren over the 50% mark.
