Weird Stuff
Okay, so the man who delivered word of Hillary’s stolen emails to the Trump campaign has gone missing. His name is Joseph Mifsud and since last November even his fiancé can’t find him.
Mifsud told Papadopoulos that the Russians had thousands of emails from Democrats in April 2016, two months before the Democrats themselves were aware that their computer system had been hacked. Mifsud told Papadopoulos he’d learned of the emails during a trip to Russia, but who told him is unknown.
Nobody is gonna find that guy. Either he’s buried under the Kremlin or Trump Tower.
However, this is not the weirdest disappearance. If you’re not following the Timothy Cunningham disappearance, you’re missing a Stephen King novel. Cunningham left work sick two weeks ago from his job at the Center for Disease Control. He had access to all manner of biological germs and he went gone, leaving some strange messages behind.
That’s creepy.