Well, There’s This

February 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think trying to figure out what Mueller is doing requires tea leaves, a Magic 8 Ball, and Ouija board.

That said, there’s this.

The office of special counsel Robert Mueller has now proposed dropping charges against former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates, in what might be the strongest sign yet that Gates has given the investigation significant information related to its probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Gates, who served as Trump’s deputy campaign chairman during the 2016 presidential election, agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy against the United States and lying to federal investigators last week.

The only questions I have are (1) how long and how many indictments will it take to get Manafort to come apart like a $3 suitcase in a train station, or (2) Has Devin Nunes been sneaking over to Manafort’s house to deliver pinkie promises from Trump that he will grant Manafort a pardon?

Oh, well, it’s all just a WAG (Wild Butt Guess), but it’s fun to play WTF with the Trump inquiry.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, There’s This”

  1. Prediction
    Like the dog that didn’t bark pence and company seem to be left out even though he was central to many of these cover up actions.
    So my prediction is pence’s staff perhaps a “freindly” on the record interview with pence himself.
    Wonder if demented donnie trys to save himself by throwing pence under the proverbial bus.

  2. Old Quaker says:

    Please g-d, have Trump throw Pence under the bus. It would create huge chaos. Enuff maybe to take them both out. Pence is the ultimate Stepford Wife!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Considering the variety of possible charges for both Flynn and Gates with the too good to be true deals they’ve received, Mueller must be rolling up the length of the snake to reach the head. A two-headed snake taking out both Dotard45 and Mikey Dense will be appreciated. Jughead, Popsicle Princess and Dimwit Jr. in cuffs will also be a welcome sight.

  4. In a chat on the WaPo today, one of the political writers referred to the Mueller team as “the black box”. Nothing comes out of them until they go public with something. So, yeah, reading the tea leaves will work as well as anything.

  5. We are witnessing Trump’s collusion right now as he refuses to order the national intelligence agencies to either retaliate against Russia for their cyber attack in 2016, or to defend us against them in the upcoming elections. He has also refused to enforce the sanctions passed by congress. Collusion in plain sight.
    What more evidence do they need?

  6. Wow… and Mueller’s team has gotten all this data without waterboarding even one Drumpf ally. Not one. Hmmm…

  7. Drump looks like a cornered skunk. Smells the same. Don’t get too happy, he has a lot of BS and cheating left in him. He gets his orders from Putin. Taking orders is not the same as working with. He is the king bully, lying cheat, of all time.

    Did I hear him right, did he say? ” He would run into the school and miss a 4′ putt to save the day” [What a Guy]

  8. Putin’s Puto.

  9. That Other Jean says:

    I trust that Rick Gates sang like a lark in the morning. I hope he gave Mr. Mueller & Co. enough to drive the whole rotten mess out of the White House and straight into prison for years and years to come. I’d like to imagine that Mueller is dotting every i and crossing every t, so that there’s no hope of escape for any of them.

  10. Well, if you follow Ms. Maddow, Manafort was unravelled before he joined 45’s campaign. The entertaining part will be when 45’s financial situation gets uncovered…

  11. Well, now you know what Manafort was actually saying when he publicly lamented about “his colleague” and how said colleague had broken a promise. A get out of jail free card!!! And all Gates has to do is chatter away like a nutcase mynah bird!

  12. Pence is just keeping his head down and not drawing Trump’s fire until he can take over.

  13. The Atlantic has a great article about Manafort and his ties to Trump, going back years.
    Even if he is pardoned, he can be held accountable by the states for his financial ‘indiscretions’.
    I think Manafort’s time is up.

    And if Mueller makes a compelling case for Russian collusion and Trump has to pardon a lot of his former staff from the transition team and White House plus family members, I don’t think even a lot of his supporters will be happy with him.
    He will not look like the genius business man that he says and thinks he is.

  14. not having used WAG but often have used SWAG (scientific wild butt guess)
