We Just Wanted To Share Jared With Y’all
I want you to meet Jared Woodfill. I know I’ve told you about this guy more times than you can count, like here, here, and here.
He’s a stinker.
I have often described him as a fastidious little man and I have had difficulty coming up with a better description. However, “a fastidious little man who is enormously concerned about what’s in your pants” might work, too.
Jared has mainly stayed in Houston screeching about whose sex life is his business, and that apparently covers everyone. This guy is so crazy that he lost last month when he ran for Texas Republican Party Chairman because he’s “too out there.” Now think how far that’s gotta be. You’d have to join the Starfleet Federation.
Well, he’s gone statewide — over ….. bathrooms.
The term transgender is a euphemism, a weaker alternative, for the term pervert, in order to make the behavior seem more acceptable. Men who dress up like women and want to use women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms are sexual deviants and perverts.
They are running $2 million worth of ads targeting Target for having a mind-you-own-business bathroom policy.
Here’s my deal. They keep saying that little girls will be targeted by sex perverts. Why don’t they care about little boys? Are they savage little boys for themselves or something?
Thanks to Lorraine for the heads up.