We Just Wanted To Share Jared With Y’all

June 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Jared Woodfill.  I know I’ve told you about this guy more times than you can count, like here, here, and here.

He’s a stinker.

Jared-Woodfill-e1437604703816I have often described him as a fastidious little man and I have had difficulty coming up with a better description. However, “a fastidious little man who is enormously concerned about what’s in your pants” might work, too.

Jared has mainly stayed in Houston screeching about whose sex life is his business, and that apparently covers everyone. This guy is so crazy that he lost last month when he ran for Texas Republican Party Chairman because he’s “too out there.” Now think how far that’s gotta be.  You’d have to join the Starfleet Federation.

Well, he’s gone statewide — over ….. bathrooms.

The term transgender is a euphemism, a weaker alternative, for the term pervert, in order to make the behavior seem more acceptable. Men who dress up like women and want to use women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms are sexual deviants and perverts.

They are running $2 million worth of ads targeting Target for having a mind-you-own-business bathroom policy.

Here’s my deal. They keep saying that little girls will be targeted by sex perverts. Why don’t they care about little boys? Are they savage little boys for themselves or something?

Thanks to Lorraine for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “We Just Wanted To Share Jared With Y’all”

  1. Anyone that gets that worked up over bathrooms probably has some major issues and is most likely a pervert himself.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Most probably pervangelist Jared is not as ignorant of the transgender identity as his concern trolling would like us to believe. In fact, my guess he is part of that predatory population known as Tranny Chasers. Come out of the closet, Jared and tell us how many transgender people you have assaulted, while professing your ‘ignorance.’

  3. Just how far from the tree do nuts like this Woodfill fella fall?

  4. Yet another one who can’t keep his mind out of other people’s underwear or his head out of his own. Could somebody find these idiots a hobby or something? They spend more time thinking about men in dresses than a janitor at the Vatican.

    And yeah, I guess any man who molests a boy in a men’s restroom or shower isn’t a pervert by their definition.

  5. According to recent headlines, they worry more bout protecting women against transgenders in the bathroom than they do about actual rapists.

  6. Guys like this one have some serious hangups, issues and fears that might (?) be helped by a good psychiatrist. But, then, it may be too late for them.

    I wish I could express to you as the mom of a transgender son just how screwed up this whole bathroom thing is. It would fill a book. Of course, readers of this blog…oops…not blog…already know. Let me simply say my son is fine just the way he is, thank you very much, and he doesn’t need any bathroom policing.

  7. Mike –
    I’m with you. I think most people spend as little time in public bathrooms as possible. And even less time thinking about them, if possible.

    That’s why there may be no great philosophical treatises on the subject. Although if anyone knows of one or two, I’d guess Jared Woodfill could point me in the right direction.

  8. Studies show that most pedophiles don’t make a distinction between boys and girls. It must be their political consultants who insist on referring to little girls.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    I know you probably meant “saving” in your last sentence: “Are they savage little boys for themselves or something?” However, in the context it is written, it actually seems to fit!!
    Ole Jared looks like he could be a Trump or a used car salesman … sleazy no matter how you look at it!!

  10. AKLynne, give your son a hug from me. Anybody who tries to tell him which bathroom to use has a sad little mind and a hard little heart and needs some serious education.

  11. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    All of this Republican fooferall about transsexual identities and bathrooms is just a way of distracting the people from the real Republican goal of taking away rights and stealing public money. The best prevention is to deny these people any and all elective public offices. You never hear this kind of crap from a Democrat.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    What ever happened to the good old days when you were afraid of picking up an STD from public toilet seats?

  13. Dang! All I saw at first when I tuned in was “Jared” and was kinda wondering if this was about Jared Fogel. And then again all things considered, I think I was closer than I thought!

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    Definitely some mis-direction going on there. I’m of the opinion that nobody should leave their children alone around this guy.

  15. maryelle says:

    God darn! Another of Texas’ fine contributions to politics.
    These are the ones who should be sent to psychological reprogramming hospitals and then sent to work CLEANING public bathrooms until their obsession disappears.

  16. “They spend more time thinking about men in dresses than a janitor at the Vatican.”

    Very, very good Rhea. This might be my favorite of the day, both for the wit and for the honesty. Pervangelists is right.

  17. Roberto says:

    So much projection, so little time!

    The only bathroom pervert I’m aware is Larry Craig, a, you guessed it, Republican. Of course Republican perversion isn’t limited to bathrooms. Google “Jon Matthews & pervert”


  18. I wonder if this guy is aware that voyeurism is a perversion.

    Voyeurism: Also called “scoptophilia”, this is deriving sexual pleasure from observing a nude person or the sexual activity of others. Voyeurs often are called “peeping Toms” after Tom of Coventry, who was the only person in the town that took a peek at the naked Lady Godiva.

  19. @maggie, Jared Fogel was in the news yesterday. His attorney tried to get his sentence (15 years) reduced, because the prosecution had asked for 12-1/2 years. Failed.

  20. Linda Lester says:

    I agree with WC Peterson–this whole bathroom thing is another diversionary tactic utilized by the Repugnants to ramp up the base of low information voters–this is a non issue and has never been an issue and shows the true ignorance of people who have no idea about what a person who is transgender really means–they whip up the base into believing that this is the main problem they are facing in their lifetime–the media is complicit by reporting non stop on the issue and people like Jared is one of many snake oil salesmen pushing the stuff to distract them from the real issues–really frightening since the whole party structure is buying into all this bile–

  21. Aggieland Liz says:

    How come these crackpot morons think transgendered people are transvestites? And how come they think everything “they” disapprove of is a mortal sin? And how come “they” think they are so almighty important anyway?? And how come anybody “they” disapprove of is a pervert and a menace but star swimmers who rape defenseless females are just misunderstood boys whose lives will be ruined for a 20 min “mistake” out of an otherwise unstained and exemplary life (…did you hear his time in the mile??)

  22. Annabelle Lee says:

    I can tell none of these politicians has ever been to a dance club. When you gotta go, you’ll take whatever bathroom is available, and there’s *always” a line at the ladies’ room.

    Also they’re all Baptists, so.

    (Know why Baptists won’t have sex standing up? ‘Cause people might think they’re dancing.)

  23. You are being unduly hard on him by avoiding giving him credit for not saying “prevert”.

  24. Holy crap Roberto! That’s one hell of a long list! However, I know of a snacilbupeR pervert not on that list.

    epo, what was the name of that South Damnkota legislator who molested several foster girls? He told them he was going to collect their eggs so they could have a little money? Tony something? He was caught and convicted in the ’00s, I think. Western SD rancher. Cory covered the story in depth, but I can’t figure out how to search DFP.

    Pure scum, inside out, top to bottom.
