We Got ‘Em

August 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Presidential adviser Sean Hannity on the electric teevee last night:

“I’d like to see the perimeter of every school in America surrounded, secured by retired police … have one armed guard on every floor of every school, all over every mall, the perimeter and inside every hall of every mall.”

We have those. They’re called prisons. You just described a prison.


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0 Comments to “We Got ‘Em”

  1. Brad in Dallas says:

    You and Mohammed bin Salman, Seany.

  2. Such a force would only become a hammer to be used against people .

  3. Wouldn’t it be better to just ban military type rifles and have background checks and 5 day waiting periods for all other guns..
    or is that too hard for this administration to do.

  4. Mark Schlemmer says:

    If there is one sickness that exemplifies nearly everything that is wrong with present day America it is this bloviating cesspool Sean Hannity. As a service to my friends who seemingly cannot listen to Hannity or Limpwad, as if they were Kryptonite or something, I listen very occasionally to see what they are blab blab blabbing about. Don’t worry, I always wash my mind out after words by tuning into Democracy Now or reading here.
    Anyway, I could state in a court of law the absolute truth is that Hannity has not changed his daily ranting from the “horror of the Steele Dossier” for about two years. I listen maybe 15 min every three weeks or so and it has never not been the topic. How damn dedicated a RWNJ would you have to be to listen to this whiny pin head talk about the same thing hour after hour. I guess people make their own special hell.

  5. megasoid says:

    Draining couple of days and MSM isn’t helping. Do they ever?

    I put up some links of varied interest for those who want a break from the news cycle.

    Jet Engines Strapped to Feet Going 103.4 MPH!

    1937 Pre-War Kimball Nanci Griffith

    NYPL 187K digital items listed – Warning: this can be very addictive and there is a learning curve.

    You can download images as screen savers – photos, stereoscopic images, art, famous people, architecture, advertising, etc.
    Anything in the Public Domain is FREE.


    Sample Print: “Chairing the Members” – William Hogarth political satirist – Click the scroll wheel to zoom in and out.


    Then you do a search for the description to each individual section of Hogarth illustration, (which I have done here for a satirical vision of political chaos and hypocrisy) Open two tabs for both art and text.


  6. So Seans want to turn everything into an armed madhouse (we are getting close). The El Paso shooter was allowed by Texas law to enter the Walmart carrying an assault rifle. So an armed guard could not have done anything about the shooter’s presence until the shooting started. And guess who the shooter would have taken out first? Correct! The armed guard. And where were all those “good guys with guns.” This is Texas for God’s sake. Was nobody else at Walmart packing heat that or did they all disappear once the bullets started flying? You know, like the school security officer in Parkland who hid outside once the shooting started.

  7. Gary, at our Walmart, the Good-Guy’s pocketed gun fell out onto the floor, discharged, and hit another shopper holding her toddler. Steely-eyed backstop for law enforcement, indeed.

  8. slipstream says:

    Hannity, all those retired cops are down at the lake, drinking beer, driving their boats around, pretending to be fishing, getting sunburned. Why don’t you go down there and tell them they should be guarding the schools and the malls? I’ll bet they would really appreciate hearing from you!

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    At least six countries have warned their citizens against traveling to the US because of mass shootings. Trump is doing for the hospitality industry (supposedly his own) what he has already done to farmers. But maybe the armed guards everywhere will turn it around.


    BTW who’s paying for this?

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    What kind of people raised that man? And what kind of family does he have now? Talk about people with mental health issues!

  11. Nancy Wickman says:

    Did Hannity say if they would all be wearing brown shirts? Armed civilian volunteers. What could go wrong?

  12. Robert McClellan says:

    Slipstream; did you see where he expects all the retired police and military to do this for free. They should donate 15 hours a week for his loony idea.

  13. It would be nice if some one worked up the cost of what hannity’s suggestion of having armed guards everywhere in schools, malls etc.
    First what would the cost be and then how do the ammosexuals propose paying for it?
    perhaps a surcharge on all gun and ammunition sales?
    basically basic questions of How much would it cost and how are the funds raised?

    Add questions of increased liability insurance and statistical analysis of how many cases of “accidental” shooting would occur or chances of one of the guards going “postal”.

  14. There are just under 100,000 public schools in the U.S. Just one *guard* @ $50,000 total cost/year ($35K salary + benefits) equals $5 billion dollars. To *secure* a perimeter needs at least 4 people. Without going any further, you’re up to $20 billion dollars/year. Certainly, InsHannity would be OK with a tax hike to pay for his wet dream.

  15. John, That does it. No more Walmart for me. Last week I was at Walmart and a man came in with a Trump 2020 shirt and an NRA hat. The shirt called Democrats socialists. I asked him if he was on Social Security and Medicare and he said that he was. I guess he likes a socialist when then send him checks and pay his medical bills.

  16. Buttermilk Sky @ 9, not to worry about paying for it. The GOP is in charge, so we can just let the deficit go up. Problem solved.

  17. @Roberto #14
    No taxes on general public.
    The ammosexuals caused the problem so a surcharge on all guns, ammo, powder or any associated equipment. ( holsters, carrying cases, slings, scopes etc)

  18. LizzyMom says:

    Someone at another site posted a photo of the moment before St Ronnie Reagan was shot.

    He was completely surrounded by Secret Service guys, all carrying guns, and he and Jim Brady *still* got shot.

    So, yeah, being surrounded by trained shooters and guns will *absolutely* protect people from being shot.

    Hey, GOP, I have a bridge over the Hudson River that you might be interested in…

  19. I’ll bet he would. That way all the brown people would be contained.

  20. Mark Schlemmer, it’s just like a soap opera!! You can miss two months’ worth and still pick up right where you left off.

  21. Sam in Superior says:

    “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” Maslow

  22. Lunargent says:

    Sam in Superior –

    I think of that saying often.

    But in Trump’s case, his only tool is a wrecking ball.
