
November 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Warning: Do not, repeat do not, mess with professionals.

This is a great laugh.  Triumph the Insult Dog takes on Ted Cruz and the results are hysterical.  Please give yourself the gift of watching Ted Cruz mess with professionals.  Click right here.

Also, a little inside tip.  According to trustworthy Texas rumors, on Friday night, when Cruz’s team did analytics on the early voting turn out, the results were so bad that Cruz called Governor Abbott and asked him to infuse $3,000,000 into Cruz’s campaign right away.  Abbott gave him half a million because that’s all he felt like flushing down the toilet.

My long time Democratic friends are thrilled that Beto has not backed off any of his progressive positions and, ignoring the urgings of the “consultant class,” stayed a lefty in Texas.  He’s been the most successful Democratic candidate in Texas in 28 years because he rejected the Republican-Lite model.

Please keep your fingers crossed tonight.  It’s gonna be close.


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0 Comments to “Warning”

  1. Please, God, let us give ourselves Beto!

  2. AlanInAustin ... says:

    ‘sokay — Rafael got a boatload of money in DC, his home away from home.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    It was grand what Triumph the Insult Dog did to Teddie Crooze’s kibble and little bits.

    “Just remember: It wasn’t the Republicans, it was the Democrats that took you into the vet to get fixed and there is freedom on the other side,” Cruz cracked as his supporters laughed.
    Triumph replied with a burn that might’ve left a scar.
    “I support spaying and neutering, just like Trump did to you,” the puppet shot back.

    Let’s take that as a good omen. If Teddie Crooze lost to a sock puppet, imagine the trouncing Beto should give him at the polls today.

  4. Keeping my fingers crossed for Beto. Voted for Jennifer Wexton this morning. Y’all cross fingers for her, hear?

  5. Fingers and toes. For all democrats.

  6. I will be dancing on air if Beto wins. Please, please, please make it happen Texans!

  7. Beto signs here in IN…….and he looks like he showers daily.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    What I want to hear tonight is that Teddie Crooze is giving his concession speech. Please do not confuse that with my actually wanting to hear his speech. I can wait until morning to read what Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself writes as the salient and humorous pieces of whatever c’mon …. _____Ted … says. Maybe a picture or two, if giphy quality.

  9. I’ve got my fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes crossed that Democracy and Democrats win.

    V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E ! V O T E !

  10. Fingers crossed for Texas, and Georgia, and Florida, and all across the country. Make it blue!

  11. slipstream says:

    Okay, voted. That should take care of it. Everybody relax.

  12. Old Quaker says:

    Also, keep KS in your prayers, gotta get Kobach gone for good.

  13. This Texas Tribune (an online publication) tally page looks like a very good place to track the Texas election results, all in one place.
    It looks like each race will update as official results come in.
    Liftoff in 1 hour, 5 minutes…

    Watch Texas 2018 midterm election results here:


  14. slipstream says:

    Here’s a fun read:

    “Ted Cruz lost four points after the president visited.”


  15. Marcia in CO says:

    MSNBC just announced Cruz has won over Beto!
    However, the Democrats will control the House!
    At least that is a plus!
