Warning: Do not, repeat do not, mess with professionals.
This is a great laugh. Triumph the Insult Dog takes on Ted Cruz and the results are hysterical. Please give yourself the gift of watching Ted Cruz mess with professionals. Click right here.
Also, a little inside tip. According to trustworthy Texas rumors, on Friday night, when Cruz’s team did analytics on the early voting turn out, the results were so bad that Cruz called Governor Abbott and asked him to infuse $3,000,000 into Cruz’s campaign right away. Abbott gave him half a million because that’s all he felt like flushing down the toilet.
My long time Democratic friends are thrilled that Beto has not backed off any of his progressive positions and, ignoring the urgings of the “consultant class,” stayed a lefty in Texas. He’s been the most successful Democratic candidate in Texas in 28 years because he rejected the Republican-Lite model.
Please keep your fingers crossed tonight. It’s gonna be close.