Wacko Alert!

June 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, take a deep breath.

Remember Sandy Hook?

Obama faked it.

Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.

My friend Web lives in a small Texas town where they believe this stuff.

It is the Republican think tank: if it didn’t happen to them, it didn’t happen.

And there’s “mediums,” and Ouija boards and seances and all manner of proof.

And somebody is making money off of this.  And that is happening to them.

Thanks to Web for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Wacko Alert!”

  1. The most troubling thing about this crap is these people can vote, maybe more than once!

  2. Aggieland liz says:

    There is lower than a snake’s belly reprehensible, and then there is this bull$hit. If I were the parent of one of those little murdered ones, they’d have to lock me up for stalking these cowardly …(sorry Momma)… subhumans. They have no hearts. It would do the world a large favor to remove them in the most expedient way possible. I have not crossed paths with that which is more loathsome. Murder is too easy for them!

  3. Angelo_Frank says:

    The dip stick crowd really absorb this and the Alex Jones BS.

  4. Marge Wood says:


  5. Donna Wade says:

    JJ, sister, I have retired cop friends here in California that send me links to that bullsh*t every damn day, so Texas ain’t the only backwater spouting that brand of crazy. Educated people for whom FACTS used to matter have taken leave of their senses and convinced themselves the UN wants their guns and Obama wants them powerless so they will accept being herded into FEMA camps because that’s where the banking dynasties who own this country through the Federal Reserve want us, except for those unfortunates said dynasties are killing off through GMOs, radiation, pollution, MERS, and, thanks to the anti-vaccination crowd they subborn, polio and measles.

    Or something like that.

    I’ve always believed that to really understand someone, it’s important to imagine yourself in their shoes. But there are some places I will not go, and they include ones that require a willful untethering from reality and all common sense.

    They feel powerless, so they’re afraid. If they’re white, especially so, given the nation’s shifting demographics. They don’t understand that’s why they’re afraid, so they invent a reason for it, because there must always be a reason for why things always happen to them, and have concocted a real doozie in this instance.

    A vast left-wing conspiracy of global scope hell-bent on keeping Jeezus outta gubment, abortion clinics replacing liquor stores in their towns, and shrines to Satan next to their 10 Commandments scrolls carved in marble on the courthouse lawn.

    Like the Left could ever get to the required consensus for that!

  6. Jill Ann says:

    I went and clicked through to the website. Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is only ONE of their topics. Vaccinations, New World Order, FEMA Camps, and so on…..what kind of fevered imaginations do these people have? And how did they get this way?

  7. The disturbing part to me is not that people hold weird opinions and theories – I LIKE weird opinions and theories – but that these ideas have reached so far into the conservative mainstream.

    And it’s not even so much a matter of weird theories as it is a complete failure of critical thinking.

    The big thing over in the comment section of breitbart this week (I really need to just stay away from there) is that Michelle Obama is transgender male-to-female.


  8. “Anything I don’t like didn’t happen and isn’t happening. That includes the Holocaust and climate change. And if it did happen, it’s Obama’s fault.”

    I’m with Marge Wood– sigh– but I have to agree with Aggieland Liz too. At least every parent, family member, and friend of the victims should line up to give these morons a whupping.

  9. In Texas wouldn’t it save time and effort to have a Non-Wacko Alert? I mean, you’d only have to dust it off and use it once in a Blue Moon.

  10. VeeGee in VT says:

    What scares me is that the Interwebs allow all these wackos to band together. It exacerbates the problems caused by their loony-ness and makes their ideas ‘newsworthy’.

  11. JillAnn, moldy bread and magic mushrooms! Either or both in combination can melt your brain and bring on hallucinations that not even Hollywood can imagine.

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    They got it all wrong. The school had weapons of mass destruction and had to be demilitarized. The kids were collateral damage. The shooter was welcomed as a liberator.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  13. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    “P – Let me say that there are the sources that are very close to this administration who knows what’s going on.
    S – Really. So they are really like almost insiders then?
    P – Oh yes.
    S – And they all….they say it was a false flag because they figured it out like you did, or they had actually factual knowledge of such..
    P – They had factual knowledge of such. That’s part of the plan.”

    But none of them have names. I think that this man has A LOT of invisible friends.

  14. cairocat says:

    We are having the first serious summer heat and humidity this week.
    So why am I having cold chills?

  15. maryelle says:

    Pig-headed paranoia: Facts are the enemy. Only fiction is friend, providing escape into the conspiracy fantasies of their bizzaro alternate world. These people have serious mental health issues.

  16. donquijoterocket says:

    This reminds me of my Miss cat whom I love but who apparently believes that if she can’t see you , you can’t see her so she pulls things like rugs and towels over her head.A wingnut acquaintance of mine tried to run this by me. I was forced to tell him he was full of it to the point his eyes ought to be brown, if they weren’t already, and majorly stoopit besides.

  17. Tom Harding says:

    I`d like to believe you are making this stuff up.But I know you`re not.Had a conversation with my older sister yesterday who lives on about 16 grand a year.She is on Medicare and some sort of state plan that buys her medications.She buys into this bull crap hook,line and sinker.She quotes Brietbart and Drudge as though they were prophets from on high.I can only stand to talk with her about once a month.She doesn`t like Black folks,she doesn`t like immigrants.It`s depressing.

  18. Paranoid thinking like simple-minded stupid can’t be cured.
    These bs lappers scare the livin’ bejesus out of me

  19. Paranoid thinking like simple stupidity can’t be cured.
    These BS lappers scare the livin’ begesus outta me!

  20. bananas says:

    To quote Katy: “The disturbing part to me is not that people hold weird opinions and theories” I would agree and add THEY ARE ARMED

  21. This is is so sick!
