US Senate to Trump: You’re Cleared to Steal the 2020 Election

February 05, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Impeachment

This afternoon, in the style of a banana republic, Republicans in the Senate, aided and abetted by Chief Justice John Roberts, voted to support Trump’s lawbreaking and stonewalling by acquitting him of both articles of impeachment, after not hearing one witness.  Lamar Alexander was the nail in the coffin of the impeachment attempt, siding with corruption rather than The People.  Murkowski caving on witnesses was the crowning blow. Romney was the only Republican to stand on his hind legs and vote to convict the SOB on Article 1, he voted to acquit on Article 2.  Of course, the two Shitheads from Texas sided with the criminal.  What an embarrassment.  With this acquittal, the Senate has communicated to Trump that illegally using US taxpayer money to extort a foreign government for his own personal gain is fine.  Foreign interference in US elections is welcome. Lying to and stonewalling Congress is Okey Dokey.  Smearing good public servants for personal gain is appropriate, and using private individuals to form US policy is sweet.

The outcome was really never in doubt.  Corrupt Republicans, led by henchman Mitch McConnell, resisted seeing any evidence, hearing any witnesses, or honoring their oaths to be impartial.  Despite a large number of Americans wanting a fair trial, the Senate once again followed the orders of their masters who were at once stuffing their pockets full of money and threatening to put their “heads on a pike” should they dare oppose the president of the United States King Donald I Il Douche who is beholding only to Vladimir Putin, Erdogan, and Saudi princes.

If you think Trump acted badly after Barr successfully buried the Mueller report, you ain’t seen nothing yet.  On his way to prison, Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, predicted that he wouldn’t leave office quietly.  The Senate has now guaranteed that prediction.  Without guardrails, Trump will unleash a massive effort to tilt the election toward himself, threatening opponents, and welcoming the Russians or any other foreign power who ally themselves with him.  And, if by some remote chance this massive corruption results in an electoral loss, he will declare the election invalid and declare martial law.  What comes next we’ve seen before in Germany, Italy, multiple Central American states, and Cambodia.  And none of that was pretty.

I’m sad to say that the end of the great American experiment has come.  After decades of lies and propaganda pumped out by Fox Noise, Rush Limbaugh, and other talking heads, aided by Russian intelligence, the US government, led by abjectly corrupt Republicans, has weakened our country to the point that truth is unfindable; under McConnell, the US Senate is a wasteland of weirdos, liars, morons, and the cynically corrupt.  Much of the House is the same.  Trump played millions of Americans for chumps, and after years of stupidifying, they fell for it, suspending disbelief and accepting massive gaslighting as truth.  Corruption and criminality are now the norm. The vision of the Founders is dead, led to the grave by Trump, Mitch McConnell, his corrupt Republican Party, and enabled by the corrupt majority on the Supreme Court.

Everyone, even if they deny it, knows this was not a trial in any sense of the word.  It was a sham from the moment it passed from Nancy Pelosi’s hands into McConnell’s.  But we also something else – history will not be kind to those who did this.  Generations behind us will look at this time in our history and will pinpoint the precise time of death of the most remarkable experiment in self government in world history.

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0 Comments to “US Senate to Trump: You’re Cleared to Steal the 2020 Election”

  1. treehugger says:

    As a native Utahn with Trump-supporting family still living there, this Dem is proud of Mitt Romney. He showed courage and integrity. I expect he and his family will now be on the receiving end of many death threats. Because that’s how people do these days — threatening to kill people they don’t agree with, or encouraging their untimely demise by whatever means. I fully expected this Senate result, but it makes me sad and afraid. Trump is a hateful lunatic and knows he can do whatever he damn well pleases, regardless.

  2. Miss Demeanor says:

    The Vote Is Over, and Donald trump is STILL IMPEACHED.

  3. It took Hitler about 5 years to go from buffoon to dictator.

    Trump has done it in four thanks to MoscowMitch and the FauxNoise propaganda machine.

    Trump even started concentration camps quicker than Hitler.

    Never, ever say “it can’t happen here” because it just did.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    The impeached Toddler-in-Thief* now belongs to Moscow Mitch every bit as much as he belongs to Putin. Each of his additional crimes also belong to you, Mitch. Own it and start rolling in your coffin now to taste what being a traitor feels like.

  5. Bingo El Jefe!

    The GOP is set to steal yet ANOTHER election and you nailed it if he loses, ‘ he will declare the election invalid and declare martial law.’

    Treasonous Trump isn’t diagnosed a sadistic Malignant Narcissist shithole for nothing.

  6. But remember according to delusional joe, ex senator from mastercard, the thuglicans will “return” to reason as soon as he is elected.
    Oh and has he answered whether he would repeat 2008 disaster of giving de facto pardons to criminals by claiming he wants to move forward and not look to the past.

    ps looking at map of Iowa returns, such as they are, I am convinced thuglican lite mayor pete, who started his campaign worrying more about thuglican feelings and felt that d’s should be more accomadating, owes his results to thuglican voters showing up at caucus to screw with the d’s.
    Most of his votes appear to come from the back country where the knuckle draggers predominaite. What with christianist delusionals dominaiting it appears that they wanted to give a thuglican a boost in the D vote hoping for the weakest candinate, other then delusional joe, in the d field to get nomination.

  7. This is the end of checks and balances. So who can now stop
    Der Fuehrer from committing further atrocities?
    FBI, CIA? If the Rethugs keep purging voters and disenfranchising voters, if they get the voting machines hacked
    and declare elections null and void, we’ll never get rid of him and his Rethug minions.

  8. Beststash says:

    I cannot control what the GOP does other than to make sure that John Cornyn no longer represents Texas. He is spineless, a coward, and a Trump bootlicker. Vote for MJ Hegar for Texas Senator in November. Texas State politics is not much better. Vote them out in 2020.

  9. Well, Rush Limbaugh’s work is done and he can now shuffle off this mortal coil. He should be hoping there is no hell.

  10. Folks, we all know that the last thing they want are fair elections.

    We’ve known that since Nixon got busted for having a tape system. They have become a minority party, and will fight with everything they have.

    Meanwhile, Dems can’t agree on getting competent software developers…

  11. Don’t give in to pessimism! Three quarters of the American public wanted witnesses. There are more of us than there are Republicans in the Senate and we can all vote and get others registered. Concentrate on social workers, people who lost jobs when a factory closed, those with little or no health insurance, or who lost their food stamps recently. I keep voter registration cards in my car and purse and (selectively) get people registered anytime I can.
    The current situation is nauseating but we can’t give up. I didn’t think Obama could be elected (first time I’ve voted for the Presidential candidate who won). Hang in there, folks.
    And thanks to Romney, but lets not canonize him, ok?

  12. Ormond Otvos says:

    Not really off-topic: As is my occasional desire, I attended a rifle competition in Nevada recently. Among the contestants was a “militiaman” who shot an amazing, to me, two-inch pattern at three hundred yards. Ghost rifle, work of art. Jes’ sayin’…

  13. Seems to me that so far the only election thieves are at the DNC.

  14. Captain Dan says:

    Paul ADK – delusional!

  15. Please don’t make me vote for Bernie, he is not a Democrat a Republican or an Independent.

  16. treehugger says:

    @lumpkin: There’s a scene from the movie “Ghost” that I like to think of for Limbaugh, Trump, etc., and that is where the bad guy dies and the demons drag him screaming down through the street pavement to hell. This is what I’d like to see for this bunch of hateful, evil people.

  17. Oh my, Paul, are you forgetting the Russian hacking and dissemination of false information, the Russian money funneled to Republicans through the NRA, the voter suppression and so much more in 2016?

  18. Tom Harding says:

    You guys all sound like defeatists to me.This country won`t re elect the orange dummy.We can`t let Bernie or Warren get the nomination.Mayor Pete wouldn`t stand a snowballs chance in Hell.This country will not elect a self proclaimed socialist.I my opinion Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar are the only viable candidates we have.I think the country yearns for a return to normalcy.

  19. Tom Harding @18, Not so much “defeatists” as perhaps still naïve.
    I’ve been ranting for years about how most Democrats just don’t realize that they are now in a war against most deadly enemies who would like nothing more than to eliminate them.
    Normalcy died years ago, most Dems seem to have missed the obit.
    There is not, shall not be, any ‘reasonable’ resolution to this political divide. There is no conceivable return to the past political environment of comity, compromise, and working together, “normalcy” as you put it. That began to end with Reagan, degraded under Gingrich, frayed badly with Cheney-Bush, and disappeared when President Obama was elected.
    Now under Comrade Donnei, the full fascist regime is being unsheathed before our eyes. And many Democrats still don’t see it.

    As far as viable Democratic candidates. Biden was a quite weak choice [for all the reasons that many have given here before], and after being kneecapped and ‘Hillaryized’ by the Rethugs, he’s been dead meat for months.
    Like you mention, Buttigieg [sp?]. and –Sanders– [imo] are sure to be DOA on 3 Nov.
    I like Bernie’s policies and rhetoric, but the Rethugs will shred him [plus his health and age]. The apparent spitefulness of many of his supporters worries me. If they can’t do ‘Go Blue no matter who!’ we’re all screwed.
    Buttigieg is Rethug-lite underneath [imo and others like K], and he has an obvious attack point for the dirty Rethugs.
    A toned down Warren, Klobuchar, perhaps Steyer [VP?] could do it. Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu were my first picks long ago [yeah, Lieu’s not eligible]. Perhaps Schiff for VP?

    It HAS to be done, last possible chance, anyone should now see we are descending into a fascist autocracy. [it’s like going down one of those superfast elevators in a 100story building, you get practically weightless]

    Don’t anyone underestimate the Rethugs or tRump.
    They, and he, are far smarter, devious, and well organized than y’all give them credit for. Just look at all their well-planned activities since RAT45’s ‘acquittal’, and they’re just beginning to strip our nation bare [and destroy the world].
    That’s WTF worries me, the Dems have appeared to be running a comparative clownshow in Iowa [sabotaged or not], it should have been bulletproof.

    No room or time for any more Dem fockups.

  20. Lets check the recent history.
    perjurer poppa was the “safe” choice for thuglicans in 1992
    as was the ticket of dole/kemp in 96.
    Gore was the safe choice for 2000
    as was Kerry in 2004
    2008 McCain was the thuglican’s “safe” choice but palin the whackjob was who excited the thuglican base.
    In 2012 Romney filled that role as the “safe” choice for thuglican’s.
    2016 Hillary was the “safe” choice.
    Losers all who were nominated for their reassurance to voters that, like Harding, they would lead a return to normalcy. ( whatever the h— that is)
    Look how thuglicans move and redefine “normalcy” just as the twit’s admin claimed that instead of operating based on reality they were creating a new reality.
    Remember definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
    It is lunatics like addled ronnie, the twit and now demented donnie who inspire the thuglican base and win while the d’s are concerned about the mythical “center” run on a platform of thuglican lite approach and lose.
    In part if voters don’t see somebody who they feel will fight for them they will stay home on election day.
    Give the “others”, the poor and the abused some one who inspires some confidence that they care more for the family of humanity rather then not offending the 1% and they will come out.
    That is what drove the 2018 election and, if Rachel Bitecofer, is right again, as history suggests, that is what will win 2020.
    A beige corporate stooge will lose to the cheap theatrics of demented donnie because people will stay home if they do not see some one they feel has the stomach for a fight.
    My choice is Warren with Kamala Harris for VP.
    Women, especially women of color, have carried the Democratic party for decades it is time they got their reward.
    They won it for Doug Jones in Alabama.

  21. Democratic candidates are chosen from the heart, not from the intellect.

    That is why the criminals, not the Democrats, win the elections.
