I’ll Be Damned

February 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, we saw it coming, but it’s good to know at least one sane person is in the GOP.


Alert Trump for silly Twitter name.

And I heard this morning that Senator Doug Jones was voting guilty, too.  That’s a relief.  I worry about that boy.


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0 Comments to “I’ll Be Damned”

  1. Watching Mitt Romney explain that he took his oath seriously and had to follow his conscience and convict Trump on abuse of power, I was absolutely amazed at the courage he had to be the only one in that nest of vipers who showed integrity and honor, knowing that the Trumpists will make his life hell.

  2. It would have been more impressive if he was up for re-election.

    Also, why all the word service for “how hard it is” to vote that way? It was such a slam dunk case that even Alexandar admitted they proved it without further witnesses.

  3. Senator Doug Jones showed the Republicans how integrity works. He will do the right thing and forfeit his seat in the process.

    It’s good to know some people in our government still take their oaths and their jobs seriously. It’s not all about fundraising and hanging onto power no matter the cost to the nation. Seriously. It isn’t.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    For Democrats thinking about voting against impeachment, remember that Republicans will vote against you anyway. If you’re going to sell your soul, don’t accept a rubber check as payment.

  5. Karl Keller says:

    The Trumpists are in full ‘off with his head’ for Mitt.
    I have several old college ‘friends’ who are part of Donnie’s Cult, and there are several memes (probably posted by a Russian bot on Facebook), that are all screaming how Mitt had betrayed the Republican Party.

    Not one word about what’s best for the country, just the party.
    Until I posted that question.
    Now I think they’re after me.

  6. Remember, Mitt was governor of Massachusetts and they don’t come much bluer than that. He’s kind of a manikin but at least he has a conscience.

  7. To Ms. Jean: With all due respect, Romney will be damned from now till the end of the flying @$$monkeys.

    Rather than as a hold over of the Rule of Law…

  8. Manchin and Sinema came through with votes for conviction too.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    lazrgrl@6, the New England states have what is known as downeast humor. It’s very dry, but extremely witty. MA also sent Scott Brown to the Senate at one time. ME has both Senator Angus King and So-So Collins and had Paul LePage as Gov. NH and VT appear as two head to toe twins in a pod on the map; one produced the Manchester Union Liar, while the other sent Bernie Sanders to the Senate. One of the funniest shows on Animal Planet is North Woods Law. Those folks have a mastery of the understatement. Just when the Yankees seem decipherable, they come out with a pocket of crazy similar to the JBS in CA.

  10. Jonathon P Hubbert says:

    Senator Doug like any good Democrat dug his own grave with grace, panache and quietly. The man has dignity. That quality evades & eludes those … who today – call them selves Republican. They are Republican in neither spirit, values nor deed.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Jonathon P Hubbert@10, Senator Jones won once in Alabama. That he won in a special election causes me to be more optimistic about his future. While parts of the south seem as if they will never change, the Democratic Party there is changing for the better. Didn’t hurt that the Republicons ‘southern strategy’ rid the party of the backward racist and evangelical elements.

    Optimism vs. pessimism: just when we think the electorate could not be any more st00pid than electing Reagan, there’s eight years of Dubya then a proven criminal like Donnie sneaks into office. But a break from the st00pid was taken for President Obama. A bigger better break is possible in 2020; electing a Democratic President and giving he or she an overwhelming Democratic Congress. It will take some serious numbers to offset the Republicon cheating, so let’s get out the Big Blue Wave!

  12. slipstream says:

    Dang. If only 19 more senators had the courage to vote as Romney did, we would be done with Trump. Each and every senator who voted to acquit is now and forever complicit in the tragedy befalling our nation.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I just saw the Speaker’s press conference — remember those? — where she doubled down on praying for trump. It drives him crazy that he can’t fire her, intimidate her, or drag her down to his level. She’s a Catholic, Romney’s a Mormon, so to trump’s “Christians” they’re both damned anyway.
