Tub’s First Official Act

December 22, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Alabama has elected a moron to replace Doug Jones in the Senate, and let’s be frank; Jones only won Jeff Sessions’ seat because his GOP opponent was a documented pedophile.  Said moron is former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, known on the football field as “Tubs”.  Tubs may have been a good football coach, but apparently that’s all he knows.  Tubs thinks that the three branches of the US government are the Executive, House, and Senate.  That’s right, the new Senator from Alabama doesn’t understand how the government is even organized.  He also thinks that God creates climate change, that heroin is not an opioid, and that the healthcare system should be “capitalist” (rather than a protected monopoly).  In short, Tubs is a typical knee jerk, rock rib, GOP ignoramus.

It actually gets worse, if that’s even possible.  Tub’s considering as his first act to aid Trump in his planned coup attempt to steal the election from Biden and Harris.  Objections to any state’s electoral slate have to be sponsored by at least one Congressman and one Senator.  McConnell has already warned his caucus to not go there, but Tubs is apparently ignoring that.  The effort will fail, of course, but if Tubs actually does something so stupid, it will be the shortest political honeymoon in Senate history.  There will be some entertainment in that, though.

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