Well, You Could See That Coming

December 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Joni Ernst back in September suggesting that doctors are faking COVID19 deaths to make money.



Joni Ernst today.



Oddly enough people seem to be having a problem with the fact that Republicans in Congress are getting vaccinations when frontline workers can’t get them.

I hope she’s just faking that picture.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, You Could See That Coming”

  1. Picture #1:
    “Would you like a conspiracy theory with your airborne hoax?”

    Picture #2:
    A woman who may have stock investments in Pfizer, grinning from ear to ear under that mask.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Meh. All those deniers who claimed “this is no more than the flu” should be receiving swine flu shots preferably left over from a mid 1970s batch improperly stored in a warehouse somewhere.

    j/k since at least 70% of the population must be vaccinated to make the program effective.

  3. As far as I’m concerned, Congresscritters should be dead last in getting the vaccine.

  4. charles phillips says:

    I hate this woman. I really, really, REALLLY hate this woman.

    Sorry for the polite “woman” reference, but it’s the Christmas season, and I won’t be rude without a lot more provocation.

  5. from a comment on the twitter wherein Ana Navarro gave her opinion on marco rubio getting vaccinated (oh so bravely -s-)

    ‘since he/she considers covid to be hoax, should they receive placebo?

  6. Why did no one from the press ask her why she was getting the vaccine? Why did no one get in her face about the sheer hypocrisy of it? Shame on her, and shame on them.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Well, she did some good. She took her pig-gelding scissors to Congress and cut off the nuts of all the Republicans.

  8. Compared to nurses & doctors there is NO ONE in congress that needs the vaccine more so!

  9. She’s not the only Rethug hypocrite sliming around.

    Here’s Texass Gov. Abbott [below links/quotes] on Dec 17 sounding heroic, saying ‘he’ll get it later’. Later being just a mere five days away, on Dec 22nd.
    You can bet your bippy that Patrick, Paxton, and the rest of of them will be standing in line right behind good ‘ol Greg.

    Let’s not tell them that the first dose of the COVID-45 vaccine only builds your immunity slowly, reaching [maybe] only ~50% efficacy by the time you take the second dose [in 20d/Pfzr, 28d/Modrna]. Then it takes a while longer to reach that maximum protection point.
    With a little luck, these fools will think that from the first jab they become invincible, and will commence to mingle freely with each other.
    Then we know what could [fortuitously] happen then …


    “Texans can expect to see “widespread distribution” of COVID-19 vaccines by March to recipients beyond the front-line health care workers who are currently receiving them, including teachers and senior citizens, Gov. Greg Abbott said Thursday. …
    Abbott added that he had not gotten the vaccine but will “at the appropriate time.” ”

    “Gov. Greg Abbott to receive COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 22”

    “Gov. Greg Abbott is set to receive the coronavirus vaccine Tuesday in Austin. Abbott will get vaccinated at 1:30 p.m. at Ascension Seton Medical Center, according to his office. The event will be televised.
    Abbott said Thursday he planned to take vaccine “at the appropriate time.” ”
    Hypocrital bastards…
    PS- Most of us won’t be getting these vaccines for some time, so be careful, don’t let your guards down. Even afterwards. Got an email from CMS/Medicare stating that the C-vac was 100% covered.
    I recently joined a ‘study’ offered through my Medicare Advantage plan that provided a free COVID test, a course of Tamiflu, and other goodies. FedEx brought it last week, so I’m as ready as possible.

    Anybody else seeing online food and household stuff shortages again? I couldn’t order quite a few items the other day, since they were ‘out of stock’…hmmm.

  10. Elizabeth Moon says:

    The last people to get the vaccine should be every political person, every talking head, every “pundit” who opined that it was a hoax, it wasn’t that bad, it was only killing (group of choice to consider useless)…IOW mostly Republican leadership. None of them should get it until everyone else has had it.

    But then there’s the awful mistake that California medical center made, when their algorithm defined risk by office location and title, not job description. Or they’re blaming the algorithm… Residents and nurses doing actual patient care didn’t get it…administrators did.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    They should use horse syringes on Ernst, moscow Mitch, and all the other hypocrites mentioned. Then watch em squirm.

  12. Oh dear. I broke my middle finger when I saw that second picture.

  13. Well, hey, what do you expect from the gal who threatened to “snip” males all by her little self when she was campaigning for the Senate some years ago.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    Color me surprised. Not.

    Nothing like being a hypocrite.

  15. Harry Eagar says:

    maggie, she did not threaten to snip males but was going to do to bad government what she claimed to have once done to hogs.

    She’s bad enough on her own, no need to make her worse than she is.

    Her family was happy enough to be socialists while she was growing up.

  16. She is one worthless POS, should never have been elected in the first place, let alone re-elected. What the hell was Iowa thinking? Or drinking? Too much Templeton Rye?
