
October 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Did you see SNL last night?

Trump did.



Says the least self aware man in the world.


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0 Comments to “Trumplethinskin”

  1. Have now! Perfect.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Except… It’s a FABULOUS show when HE is on it. Tells you all you need to know, folks.

    When asked if she had had sex with a particular individual we both were acquainted with, my friend said, “Oh, no! He’s into group sex. There’s always at least 3 in bed — you, him, and his ego.”

    And so… Trump.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Donnie, there are 23 more days, until your concession speech. So, you might want to can those sour grapes for the occasion.

  4. Once, a rattlesnake bit him and he didn’t even notice. After five days of excruciating pain, the snake finally died.

    He is, the least self aware man in the world.

  5. Trump has mimicked the disabled, Hillary and all of his accusers, but can’t take it when he’s the butt of the joke.
    Life lesson, Dumbo, turnabout is fair play!

  6. Trump is just jealous that Baldwin makes a better Trump than he does.

  7. The perfect example of a child who can dish it out but can’t take it.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Someone pointed out that we seldom see Trump smile (and when he does, it’s more of a smirk), but we NEVER see him genuinely laugh. Beware of a man without a sense of humor!

  9. @Polite Kool Marxist He will not make a concession speech. He may make an “It was rigged” rally tour.

  10. Sad, sad little man. I look forward to his going away.

  11. The main problem is that Alec DID NOT joke about Trump he did not half to as Trump is his own sad sorry joke! Alec captured Trump as Trump!!!

  12. Since all The Donald has is his “brand”, I wonder if he’s permanently destroyed that, too. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if he went broke and lost all of his assets?

    How would Urday and Qusay earn their keep?

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf must be depressed if he didn’t threaten to sue SNL for some reason or another.

    That ferret on his head is gonna sue Dumpf for emancipation so it can live on its own.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf can’t see he is bringing this upon himself and his family. If he had a cockroach, I’d feel sorry for it.

  15. Bananas, in that “It was rigged” rally tour the Mangled Apricot Hellbeast will be begging for money too, just because that’s the kind of beast he is.

  16. “Rigging election” is getting to be a tic with him; he comes out with it in response to any stimulus or none. It’s the only way he can face his inevitable status as Loser.

  17. There is a plus to each debate this year: SNL’s parody.

  18. Alec Baldwin rocks as Hair Drumpf.

    And Mr Baldwin owes Hair Drumpf the resurrection of his career. And Mr Baldwin could easily do Hair Drumpf into the future on SNL everytime Drumpf says or does something outrageous. Which likely will be daily beginning 11/9. Or 11/29 depending upon whom you believe: Drumpf or your lying eyes.

    This whole “rigged” election mantra will also grow tiresome quickly. Go Donnie Go. Far away. Soon. Stay gone a long time.

  19. Found this information today which helps explain why so many Trump supporters are… well, Trump supporters.
    “To sum it up, the knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task—and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at that task. This includes political judgment.”
    Fascinating, worth a read!

  20. BiDC: per Mark Cuban, Trump has destroyed his own brand with this campaign (“Every single @realDonaldTrump hotel and golf course is toast. Done. Over. Bernie Madoff now has a better brand”); bookings are down at all of Trump’s hotels, averaging 30% down or more. Only his Hawaii Hotel is showing a positive (+4%) upswing.

  21. WA Skeptic says:

    This guy has been a psycho since he was a child. His teachers reported horrible bullying behaviors from his earliest years.

    He was so out of control that his father sent him to that military school to keep him out of Fred’s hair, and he even had a bad rep there. Yeah, he looked good in a fancy uniform. It went well with the medal he got for Neatness.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    Hannah, thank you, I also read the same story from Psychology Today. The Dunning Kreuger effect explains it all, as do the other points of what’s going on with angry white men.

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    Linda and Hannah: Guess it’s true. I does take one to know one!

  24. rather than watching the last debate i will watch the following
    SNL version!!!!!

  25. SNL has rocked their debate spoofs. Of course, they haven’t had to modify a whole lot for the parody. Sad that.

    Least self aware. You know that may be the only thing that explains something leaving me dumbfounded. It is hard to believe that Trump is oblivious to the big target for ridicule, bad-mouthing by other politicians, and especially late night TV comic meat that POTUS is–no matter who it is. With his inability to actually shrug off barbs or ridicule, why in the world would he actually want to be POTUS. Perhaps it is his belief that he is SOOOO great that no one would feel the need, or because he assumes he can go authoritarian and lock up anyone who does.

    I really cannot imagine anyone being that stupid and yet, there he stands, belly-aching on how he is being mistreated. Truly a non-self-aware bully in all his functions.

  26. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And a hero to all the other non-self-aware bullies who see his great big private jet and think “I could be that, if he were elected, because he’ll support his constituency.”
