
October 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt.  Try saying that name without a heap of disdain in your voice.  Can’t do it, can you?

Wanna make it worse?

newtheyFormer House Speaker Newt Gingrich stood by Republican nominee Donald Trump’s claim that the election is being “rigged,” blaming what he calls “the unending one-sided assault of the news media” on the GOP candidate.

“Without the unending one-sided assault of the news media, Trump would be beating Hillary Clinton by 15 points,” Gingrich told ABC News’ Martha Raddatz on “This Week.”

Newt Gingrich would not be stable even if you mounted him on a tripod.


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0 Comments to “Newt”

  1. Ugh! The thought of mounting Newt. I threw up I’m my mouth a little bit.

  2. Don Lowell says:

    Don’t mind Newt, he always finds a way to self destruct.

  3. Well, look at it this way: After HRC finishes kicking The Donald’s butt all the way back to Queens, Rudy and Newtie will be such ridiculous has-beens that we may never see either one of them again.

    Unless, of course, they choose to participate in the coming GOP bloodbath. In which case, pass the popcorn.

  4. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Right…the media is so biased in favor of Hillary that they are printing what Donald says word for word. I will be so glad when this election is over and hopefully Giuliani and Gingrich will be on the trash heap of history.

  5. There’s a phrase from England: “drunk as a newt.”

    The sad thing is that demonizing the press has become so reflexive for Republicans that it’s always taken as gospel. Funny, when the conversation turns to the Clinton Rules, Republicans don’t criticize the media as much.

  6. Wow the obvious Conservative corporate media is “ unending one-sided assault of the news media” on Trump?

    hAHAHA, Yes the Donald is that BAD.

  7. Every washed up Republican gets a sinecure with a conservative think tank and a airtime slot on FUX Gnus.

  8. The other clown enabler, Giuliani, claims Democrats have dead people voting for their candidates.


    I don’t see the problem. Doesn’t that balance out the brain dead people who vote Republican?
    Fair, and balanced.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    “Newt Gingrich would not be stable even if you mounted him on a tripod.”

    Well, let’s shove a tripod up his butt and see, m’kay?

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Wally, mounting Newt would be great. There’s a space above the mantle next to the deer head.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Newtie, without all the free media coverage, your boy Donnie would have lost to all of the 16 primary incompetents; including Piyush Jindal.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh, and Newtie, have you been listening to the Clown Prince of Twitter? His latest ‘defense’ was a real piece of work. Unless he is adding exhibitionist to his resume, please explain how “there were no witnesses” to his sexual assaults works for him. Gathering a crowd then launching his Little Donnie is that what he intends?

  13. Hm. A con man, soon to be a washed-up loser, being apologized for by a couple of washed-up loser media whores, aka Giulani and Gingrich. Somehow I’m not surprised.

  14. gabberflasted says:

    Rick, dead people voting for Democrats? Uh, isn”t that saying dead people are smarter than conservatives?

  15. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @RepubAnon #5- Is that a real saying? I prefer the one used by my late grandfather ” drunk as a waltzing pissant”( I’m not sure what either of them mean, or what they have to do with someone being intoxicated.I can see where anyone would apply that saying to Gingrich.

  16. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Home Depot has a wide variety of rope suitable for formal hangings.

  17. Newticles does have a lot of experience de-legitimizing elected officials. He never was much good at making government work.

  18. Several years ago when the Pennsylvania Republicans attempted to push through a Voter ID law, the judge told them to produce evidence of in-person voter fraud. They were unable to produce a single case. The judge, Bernard L. McGinley, threw out the sham legislation. Giuliani has lots of accusations about voter fraud in Philadelphia, but not one shred of evidence to support it, much like everything that comes out of his mouth.
    Dead people, my ash heap.

  19. Wow. I watched that whole segment. Donnie Drumph is still disgustingly full of s**t when he claims that he’s sacrificed as much as those gold star parents. But after sitting through that clip with Newt and Martha, I kinda see where he’s coming from. I mean the sheer force of will that it took to endure listening to that oozing, pusspocket of what passes for a respected elder in one of our two political parties, without puking was Herculean…….ok, I’m over it. Mr. and Mrs. Khan, a grateful nation thanks you for your sacrifice.

  20. P.P., “oozing, pusspocket” is, as the Brits say, brilliant, just brilliant. The newt is a slimy, crawling amphibian which prefers living in fetid swamps, just like the dictionary says.

    The Mangled Apricot Hellbeast is pouting because SNL was mean to him in their opening debate parody last night. I thought it was hilarious!

  21. Newt had one moment of sanity when he made a PSA with Nancy Pelosi on the need for action against climate change. (Really! )

    But that was it.

  22. Coprolite says:

    Debbo, my ex-wife, from England had the deepest dictionary of witty one line criticisms, that could cut deep and painful. I always asked her it this was something they taught in school, as she was so good at it. I can hear her ask, which dead racehorse did Anne Coulter steal her teeth from?

  23. I don’t believe the notion that dead people vote for Democrats. I notice that no actual evidence was presented.

    I do believe that almost-dead people vote for Repubs. Trump even made a special pitch for the moribund.

  24. Mister Lee says:

    So Mr. Ginrich says that there’s been an “unending one-sided assault of the news media” on the Donald, does he?

    What a laugh!

    Up to about three weeks or so ago, the lame-stream corporate news media was gaming this election as a horse race, running on every Clinton pseudo-scandal ginned up by the right-wing propaganda organs, and giving Trump the benefit of the doubt no matter what alarmed readers and viewers said or thought. Our lazy @$$-lame-stream corporate media had to be dragged kicking and screaming into paying more attention to the real Donald Trump the candidate and Donald Trump’s business history. The corporate suits’ apathy and indolence is already a squalid, sorry chapter in the history of American journalism and ought to remain an object history for generations to come, but probably won’t.

  25. AliceBeth says:

    Again, no facts just accusations. I really cannot decide which surrogate is worse: Gingrich, Giuliani or one those vapid blonde women who clearly have no self respect. Then there is Katrina who is willing to be wrong on live TV.

    Where are all those “best people” he says he knows?? They certainly are not evident in the campaign.

  26. The mouth! Unconnected to the brain! However, foot connected to clutch which is thrown in before thinking. It was exactly this kind of numbskullity and hubris that cost him the Speakership and his seat! Learned anything since then? Naahhhh!

  27. Linda Phipps says:

    As a lifelong Democrat I am heartened with the idea that I can rise from the dead every four years on election day. Just as long as I don’t have to watch the campaigns.

  28. Pancho Sanza says:

    15 points? Where are these 30 million Nazis going to come from ?

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    Pancho Sanza: Well, see, this is where Rs go to fantasy land. Did you see the third Lord of the Rings movie where Aragorn goes into that cave to get the green glowing phantom horde to assist in the defeat of Sauron’s orc forces? Same thing.

  30. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @Wally #1 The Newt mounted as taxidermy doesn’t sound so bad, though it’s nothing I’d have in my home.I’m more of the notion that a reverse Bowman is needed here, whoever would remove the Newt permanently comes close to my definition of “patriot”. Just saying,not advocating violence by any means.

  31. Aggieland Liz says:

    Got it now JAK: Trump looks in the mirror and sees Hairagorn! But he is leading the Zombie Apocalypse I’m afraid!
