So, What Do You Do If Your Candidate Is A Sex Pervert And You Own a Small Newspaper?

October 15, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, you attack Bill Clinton.  Yeah, Bill Clinton. For coming to the Presidential debate. Seriously.

The boys who own and operate our local newspaper here are still outraged, outraged I tell you, over Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.  Bless their hearts, they are so old that the Clinton / Lewinsky episode saved them a fortune in Viagra while it was happening.

I need to tell you that in Texas, outrage passes for foreplay in most Republican homes.  So, they keep a Bill Clinton card in their back pocket and they can skip the whole wine and Sinatra part.

Their newspaper is behind a giant paywall so I will show you the editorial they had today and the front page.  I’ve never seen such scared little ninnies in my life.

Here’s the editorial.  You can click on the picture to see it full size.




A little reminder for the boys at the Fort Bend Herald:

After his impeachment proceedings in 1998 and 1999, Clinton’s rating reached its highest point at 73% approval. He finished with a Gallup poll approval rating of 65%, higher than that of every other departing president measured since Harry Truman.

See, boys, that would include Ronald Reagan.  Reagan left office with an approval rating of 57%.  I’d also like to note that their hero Tom DeLay, who lead the fight against Clinton, ended up with an approval rating of 27%.

I guess I also need to remind them that Clinton was impeached but not convicted.

If you’re wondering how the Fort Bend Herald boys justify their statement of “Most reasonable people accused and shamed publicly disappear into the fabric of society never to be seen again,” with the horror of man they support for President, take a look at the front page.



That newspaper defies seven laws of physics by being able to stand up straight on the page.  Why it doesn’t topple over to the right is a mystery.  I cannot imagine why they didn’t find a Benghazi story in this edition.

I’ve got fifty bucks riding on the bet that the Fort Bend Herald will be the first newspaper in America to endorse Donald Trump.

Good Lord.   Amazing. Astounding. Unbelievable.  Really?  Were your fingers quivering when you typed that, boys?


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0 Comments to “So, What Do You Do If Your Candidate Is A Sex Pervert And You Own a Small Newspaper?”

  1. Uh……..

    I got nothing.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Most reasonable people accused and shamed publicly disappear into the fabric of society never to be seen again,” …. whatcha saying boys? David Vitter, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani to name just a few. Are you saying that they are not reasonable, or are you redeploying that frayed old IOKIYAR card?

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Ronnie Raygun lied forwards and backwards and possibly sideways and got away scot free.

    “A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not. As the Tower board reported, what began as a strategic opening to Iran deteriorated, in its implementation, into trading arms for hostages.”

  4. e platypus onion says:

    When was Raygun impeached?

  5. The first debate was on September 26. Bill was there and he was smiling. He even seemed quite enchanted by all the balloons.

    Did it take the Fort Bend Herald this long to figure out what they thought about Bill? Or are they just really slow writers? Do they have to sound out the words? Ask a second grader for help?

    Or is this their version of an October Surprise designed to decimate the Clinton campaign?

  6. Dey gots bad baad case of CDS, rly rly bad.
    The Big Dawg: Cialis for cretins (like catnip for catz).
    How in Hell do these lunatics even get dressed in the morning?

    e platypus onion, Raygun’s brain turned into a peach pit, no need for the “im”.

    Just 24 more days…

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Clinton paid for his peccadilloes, unlike any wingnut Potus in history who committed much more sordid and numerous crimes against humanity. Wingnuts are simply getting desperate to stay relevant.

  8. IOKIYAR. Again.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    OH… PUH… LEEZE! For those of us who paid attention, Monica was no Girl Scout. Ask her college professor who she stalked and then followed to Oregon, I believe, where he moved with his family to get away from her. He finally complained to the college authorities who contacted Monica’s mom. Mom pulled her out of college, consulted with some friends and got her that internship in DeeCee.

    Monica was (is?) a “daddy” stalker. A sexual predator. She knew damn well what she was doing. And after getting transferred out of the WH by a concerned WH staff, she had an affair at the Pentagon… and well… it goes on from there. To not tell the whole story and characterize her as an innocent child is gross propaganda.

    Bill Clinton, like most politicians, is an opportunist. He took what was handed to him on a platter. Stupid? Yes. Irresponsible? Yes. Consensual? Yes. Criminal? NO!

  10. Although I have a hard time reconciling Bill Clinton’s behavior and causing Hillary to undergo humiliation and pain, he’s not the candidate, and I’ll be darned if his past history will deprive her of the position she deserves. She paid for it once, but never again.

  11. My favorite remains that all Trumpski’s sins were forgiven because he became a Republican. Who knew that merely registering as a Republican was a path to eternal salvation? Based on their behavior, I’d have assumed the exact opposite.

  12. The Repubs should add “Do as I say, not as I do” to their platform. They’re already living by that principle.

  13. Sorry to report, JJ, that you lose your $10 bet. The Santa Barbara News-Press endorsed Hair Trump yesterday, as reported here by Rachel Maddow:
    RM noted, however, that the newspaper couldn’t bring itself to write an actual editorial explaining its reasons. My bet is that there was some difference of opinion between the publisher (who presumably had the power to determine the endorsement) and the editor (who maybe didn’t want to be named as writing a commentary.)

  14. I see that FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! trumps even political “news” which for the Herald = IOKIYAR but Dems are evil.

    Anyhow, Polite Kool Maxist and JAKvirginia have already said what I was going to write, so thank you.

  15. Clinton let a horny intern play with his weewee. (Autocorrect wants to change that to “peewee,” but I’m not in a position to make that judgment.)

    Did Nixon walk around with a bag on his head for the rest of his unnatural life after he resigned before his inevitable impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors? Didn’t think so.

    Are Dubya and Uncle Dick walking around with bags on their heads after starting the wrong war and killing umpty thousands of people and wasting umpty billions of taxpayer dollars? Didn’t think so.

  16. Scared little ninny’s. Snort..that about sums it up.

  17. Jere Armen says:

    I’m so sorry to report to you, Juanita Jean, that you have lost your bet. The Santa Barbara New-Press is the first daily newspaper to endorse him-whom-I-shall-not-name.

  18. Captain Dan says:

    The only thing holier than-thou is a holier than-thou christian (sic).
    I overruled spellchecker on the capitalization.

    Could it be that the Fort Bend Herald boys are a tad bit envious? I leave the envy to be pondered as to why.

  19. Huh? This is all they got? I’m going back to sleep!

  20. Last night Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District candidates were involved in a brief debat-ish kind of thing on local PBS. Democrat Angie Craig was good. SnacilbupeR Jason Lewis was small, petty and stupid. He doubted the Mangled Apricot Hellbeast’s (thank you for that name, Scottish tweeters) accusers. Ms. Craig asked him, “How many women must come forward to be believable?” He said “About as many as accused Bill Clinton.” She didn’t get an opportunity to respond to that. There are 2 actual debates coming up and she’ll get to ring his bell on that stupid comment. The women of MN are not going to accept the feckless Lewis blaming the woman for the man’s bad behavior. We don’t do “little woman in the kitchen” in MN, though Lewis would prefer that.

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    Loved your parting shot: ” Were your fingers quivering when you typed that, boys?” It probably t’weren’t their fingers that were quivering … they may have had to wear some Depends in case they got overly excited!!
    I’m surprised they aren’t throwing JFK’s dalliances into the mix ’cause that boy was no saint, either.
    Dear God, I’ll be so glad when this is all over … this Wednesday’s so-called debate will be a heart stopper with all the s**t Trump will be flinging at Hillary as if he is a caged chimp in a zoo. Ugh!!!

  22. I hope Hillary’s secret service protection will be keeping a very close eye on the stalker. He’s way too unhinged and getting worse by the day.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    I did not see the last debate. Drumpf claims HRC kept walking into his space trying to distract him. From the pics I saw it looked like Drumpf was actively stalking her from behind.

  24. When Hillary took a question from someone in the audience, she walked toward the questioner, which sometimes took her on the side of the stage where Drumpf was standing, but he did stalk her and walked into the screen shot and sometimes stood too close behind her with a horrible look on his face.

  25. Tilphousia says:

    Mangled apricot hell beast. Very apt. But I digress. Those poor ole boys are sadly in the final stages of dementia. And I’m so very tired of dragging up Bills behavior. He’s not running for office. So forget it already. STICK TO THE ISSUES! Oh wait! Rethugs are unable to do that. Must be genetic.

  26. To be fair, if the situation were reversed, I’d be about halfway past desperate by now: If the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal hadn’t broken when it did and he was the 2016 Dem. nominee against Ted Cruz, the giant meteor would seem a viable option

    If the scandal came out in this week, I’d probably vote for the pervert over the evil high priest, but I would be basing my choice on which vote would make me hate myself less.

  27. Maryelle, I’m puzzled. When does Trump not have a horrible look on his face? It sort of comes with the territory. You know–feature of the creature.

  28. Most reasonable men?
    They are not talking about Republicans are they?
    Tom delay, Newt, bill o’reilly ( he who beat his wife), Ted haggard, Rudy g, rush.
    The list goes on and on.

    Deplorable hypocrites, one and all.

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Arakasi, that’s a classic apples and oranges hypothetical with an apricot twist. The video isn’t new, the nine women Donnie sexually assaulted are no surprise and the snacilbupeR have week upon week of deplorable statements Donnie has made that demonstrate his complete inability to perform at a presidential level. Donnie’s ‘character’ has been on full display for weeks, months and years.

    Notice also where Anthony Wiener is now. The DNC showed him the door. Whereas, where is David Vitter and the snacilbupeR ‘family values’ directed his way?

    Somewhere the concept of consensual sex escapes the snacilbupeR. They missed that completely when same sex marriage was discussed. They miss it in their daily lives when they cling to reprobates like Newt and the rest of his ilk. Donnie is merely a continuation of their “blind spot.” Albeit Donnie took it down a new alley with his woman as hand puppet braggadocio.

  30. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Absolutely. I walked into this election with eyes wide open. When Trump announced, I laughed. I knew he hadn’t a prayer. And now look at where we are.

    I knew Trump before all of the “revelations” that have come out. He was there. Easy to find. Just Google “Trump 2000” and read. Pick any year. It’s all there. Granted, there’s also a ton of hype and puff pieces you’ll have to wade through or quickly dismiss but it’s all there — the arrogance, the sexism, the double-dealing, the false claims and outright lies — all there, covered in a veneer of dime-store opulence and media fawning.

    The Trump people worship at his rallies is a myth. A carefully crafted (and abetted by a click-bait media) myth. Nothing about him is genuine except his unshakeable belief in his own mythical greatness.

  31. LynnN, point well taken. You arte soooooooooooooo right!
    That face is frightening.

  32. Who is the dump supporter who is always in the seats behind him…….a long haired blond, a woman of a certain age, extremely well made up/dressed to the nines…….I have seen her at several rallies….is this the special pastor, who has had some trouble in FL?

  33. I’ve never seen the Mangled Apricot Hellbeast smile. I mean a genuine warm smile that reaches the eyes. No real laughter either. I doubt that he has ever personally expressed either one.
