Trump Careens Toward a Constitutional Crisis

November 17, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Trump’s doing exactly what we predicted – lying, rage tweeting, threatening his “allies” to not get out of line, denying all access of the incoming president to briefings and transition documents.  And tonight, he made good on his threats, firing Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of DHS.  Krebs crime?  He spoke truth that this election was the most secure in US history and that there was no question as to outcome.  In a rage and abject denial, Trump canned him tonight.

Trump has no path to legal occupation of the WH, so what we’re facing in a few short weeks is a Constitutional crisis.  Trump has no regard for the American people and is totally self absorbed in his own sulking and scheming to steal the election from the American people.  Every hour he doesn’t step aside should be a month added to his prison sentence after all this is over.  What he doesn’t realize?  He’s guaranteeing criminal prosecution every day he continues his charade of Truth Decay.


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0 Comments to “Trump Careens Toward a Constitutional Crisis”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He’s literally trying to burn the house down to spite 75 million voters that told him to get the hell out. And he’s not done. Hoping his ass gets burned when he can’t hide behind executive privilege anymore.

  2. Ormond Otvos says:

    If Joe Biden fails to prosecute, he will lose HIS base.

    Enough with the marshmallow politics.

  3. The Baby does whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight . Nothing else matters .

  4. Unfortunately, presidents and other politicos are loath to prosecute previous presidents because of the precedent it sets.

    In our fairly recent history, both Nixon and Bush committed massive crimes then retired to live out their days in comfort on they large personal estates.

    I predict this situation will play out in exactly the same way — unless Trump get his way and manages to get the stacked SCOTUS to throw out the election entirely. In which case, getting him into court to face a jury will become the least of our worries. We can kiss our country good bye.

  5. In tRump’s case, he does not have a wife like Bess Truman who can rein him in. Bess spent years trying to get Harry not to use certain cuss words in his off the cuff reactions in public – and she finally won! Harry was all the better for it.

  6. Wake me up at noon on 1/20/2021. I just can’t with this menace and his enablers anymore.

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Michigan and now Nevada show the GOP tactical moves we can anticipate. They lose the election and move to declare it null and void.

  8. Nick Carroway says:

    There is enough to go around. The state of New York has enough alone to keep the Trump clan in court for years without even involving the Feds. I’m one of those rare folks that thought that the Obama administration did the right thing by not pursuing Bush. However, there is one key difference here. The Bush administration broke rules in pursuit of a bad policy. That’s horribly wrong, but at the end of the day you could argue they were doing what they felt was best for America (and themselves in cases like Cheney).

    What Trump is doing and has done is not a policy objective. It’s not arguably in the best interest of the country. It’s not simply cutting a few corners to get something done. It’s out and out corruption for corruption sake. I think Biden’s answer during his townhall was perfect. You appoint a qualified attorney general and let them run the justice department. The justice department then considers whatever it wants on the merits. That’s how we get out of this deal.

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    Don @ 7

    I did not know enough about Michigan’s electoral process to anticipate what happened last night, but did generally anticipate bungling.

    It wasn’t a 9 days’ wonder or even a 9 hours’ wonder since in about 2 hours the 2 Republican canvassers had reversed their votes. That, however, was enough time for the state Republican apparat to crow its triumph and commendation.

    Brilliant! They expose themselves as racists and enemies of democracy but didn’t complete sabotaging the will of the people.

    It’s the difference between putsch and putz.

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky @ 7:
    These shenanigans aren’t new. They’re just current GOP policy on steroids.

    In numerous states [iirc, Michigan was one] outgoing legislatures and legislatures which are faced with an incoming Democratic governor have hurriedly passed laws that would hamstring any duly elected Democrats from being able to do their future jobs.

    Having gotten away with such moves in the past, what they’re doing today should come as no surprise. As, I’m sure, it does.

  11. I agree with the concern for setting dangerous precedent.
    But IMHO it has to be weighed against the precedent of inaction set before, emboldening the right. They’ve been shown that steadily worse authoritarian actions will be tolerated. F**king trump’s have been orders of magnitude worse than any other three combined. If this isn’t dealt with this time, we might as well just give up.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’ve heard the argument that prosecuting Trumpf after he leaves office will only cause further divide. In earlier times, I could see that, but I don’t think not prosecuting him will make any difference with his cult. Let’s not forget they (including Trumpf) still want to prosecute HRC, Obama and Biden.
    I’ve also read that one of Giuliani’s angles is to somehow get the Biden incoming administration to agree to drop prosecutions in exchange for a peaceful transfer. Rumor probably but not surprising coming from the mind of Giuliani. Besides, these are NY state investigations.
    Bottom line, Trumpf (and family) has been a phony rich fraudster for years, and used lawsuits to intimidate. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. I say let NY finish their process before Trumpf starts up his criminal enterprise after office.

  13. IMO, I think Biden has a duty and obligation on 01/21/2021 to pursue all criminal wrongdoing by Donald Trump to uphold the virtue of the office of the POTUS .

    There can be no “look the other way” for some people and then demand obedience under the laws from other people. By doing nothing, the next Trump opportunists will only be encouraged to commit even worse crimes against democracy.

    Trump and all who enabled him need to be investigated, charged, and penalized. Then laws (with teeth) must be put into place so a person can never repeat what he has done.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m starting to believe his majesty may have to be walked out of the WH. He’s been carrying on for two weeks, even removing troops from Iraq and talking about bombing Iran. He’s not right in the head, but it’s gone to a new level.
