Teeing It Up

November 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am damn near certain that there will be many suggestions for the Trump Presidential Library.

It’s been kicked off with a pretty high standard.

Have a look.

Thanks to Scott for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Teeing It Up”

  1. My bet is: there will not be a library (“reading is for losers!”) but there WILL be a gift shop! The profits go to covering POUTUS’s never ending legal fees…

  2. Elizabeth Moon says:

    LizzyMom: a gift shop with a giant “golden” toilet for donations, that the rubes can see flushed away through transparent pipes (though actually it’s the same piece of paper over and over; their money goes straight into his account. Visitors can also buy tiny golden toilets as pins or dangles to hang from their car’s rear-view mirror. They can view the elaborate tomb (empty at first, later supplied with a Lenin-like casket for adoration) he will plan for himself. It will have a TV room that plays endless rounds of The Apprentice interspersed with his favorite appearances on TV outside of that show.

  3. Where will the library be located? Rikers? Sing Sing? Perhaps the Angola Prison in Louisiana, so Trump and the gang can get work picking cotton?

  4. That site is fantastic. Especially good are the explanations of each of the Currently Available items.

  5. That porn shop might have some extra space.

  6. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, THAT was unexpected! Utterly fabulous idea….

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The Trumpf Unpresidential Library is such a great idea!
    The plans should include a room of books Trumpf has read.
    Small room, small mind.

  8. Will they supply crayons?

  9. I’m thinking the Four Seasons Total Landscaping space.

  10. Maybe Charles Koch will donate the money with a special D’oh Wing for Libertarians like himself. Seems at the ripe old age of 85 Chuck is now admitting the Tea Party was a mistake. He says, now, finally, d’oh: “Supporting the Tea Party made partisan divisions in the United States far worse. Boy, did we screw up!”

    Maybe Chuck, Donnie and all the Republicons will give a glance to all their failed policies since 1980 as a collective set of death bed confessions.

  11. that looks far superior to anything Trump has ever had a personal hand in designing/constructing.

  12. yet another baby boomer says:

    Holy Cow! That is a super deluxe parody site, it must have taken quite a lot time. And I am so appreciative.

    To be briefly serious, I find it difficult to believe that any kind of serious orange fool historical archive/library will ever be built. As others have suggested, maybe a vainglorious monument with a tacky offensive gift shop. Which makes one wonder where will the archives of the worst, most dangerous president actually reside. Assuming they aren’t all shredded in the coming weeks. No doubt historians will be very eager to dissect this terrible, frightening era, just can’t imagine where they’ll go to do the research.

    And just my two cents…I’m in the museum collections field. I feel fairly certain that should a some sort of (cough) library be built there won’t be a flood of applicants for archive and collections positions. They must be some out there somewhere but I haven’t met any archive/collections professionals who’d want to work with such tainted reviled material but less have such a place on their resume. He’s pretty widely loathed in the field.

  13. The Bald Headed Baby is SUCH a d1ckhead .

  14. Ducks in the BVI says:

    I hear there are two places with nice campuses in the running. One is in Leavenworth, Kansas (perfect!) and the other has a lovely view down the Hudson Valley – Sing Sing, New York (leading in the bidding).

  15. This is great! The donations page caps it all off.
