Lindsey! Get Your Hand Outta The Cookie Jar!

November 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Od deal Lord, there’s ear witnesses.

Remember when Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said that Lindsey Graham pushed him to throw out legally cast ballots and the Lindsey said that was ridiculous and he never said that.

Uh oh.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said that at least two members of his staff witnessed Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) apparent effort to suppress the counting of legal votes in the state.

Raffensperger has told multiple media outlets that Graham had pushed him to throw out legally cast ballots.

“Sen. Graham implied for us to audit the envelopes and then throw out the ballots for counties who had the highest frequency error of signatures,” he explained to CBS on Tuesday.

So, Lindsey even told Raffensperger HOW to do it.

I do to know what Trump has on Lindsey, but it must be worse than something you’d go to jail for doing because, obviously, Lindsey was willing to go to jail to help Trump.


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0 Comments to “Lindsey! Get Your Hand Outta The Cookie Jar!”

  1. From the first, I believed the GA Sec of State! Poor SOB says he and his wife have had death threats WTH?
    As far as Ms. Lindsey goes, if he would just come out of the closet, I would have more respect for him. This is 2020, Lindsey, no body cares that you are gay…oooops, some people do. The lovely Christian, mr. pence would have Miss Lindsey drawn and quartered.
    Stand up, Lindsey!

  2. And the Republican coverups begin.

    This is false. I have not spoken with @LindseyGrahamSC.— Secretary Katie Hobbs (@SecretaryHobbs) November 17, 2020

  3. He probably knows that Miss Lindsey propositioned one of my neighbors at National Airport. I assume he was neither the first, not the last.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Lindsey is a chameleon lizard. He changes color, his politics, his righteousness, his stories and anything to fit whatever slimy situation he’s in.
    And I do think Trumpf has something on him. Okay, I’m just going to say it- when melanoma leaves Trumpf, somehow he thinks he may have a place at Mar-a-lago. Remember how he’s changed his appearance to have orange skin tone and fake blond hair? Then he looks grey and drab. Chameleon.
    By the way, he’s admitted to taking his vote tossing ideas to other states like Arizona.

  5. Elizabeth Moon says:

    He said his committee was going to investigate voter fraud…he better be looking in the mirror when he says stuff like that.

    Because tossing votes on the basis that *someone else* didn’t sign the mail-in envelope right IS FRAUD.

  6. Another cabana/pool boy scandal, maybe?

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Barb in DC @ 3: Ooooh, do tell more. Was it a “wide stance” thing? Toe-tapping Morse code in a men’s room stall? A really stupid college bar pick-up line? Or did Lindsay just pull it out and wave it around?

    Actually, don’t tell us. My imagination can fill in all kinds of amusing details, and the reality is probably dull and scummy. I hope your friend was not feeling threatened … or disgusted. Not from the homosexual aspect, but from it being Lindsay Graham.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    So is that how he has won his elections?

  9. Cheryl Jean Johns says:

    There is an interesting gay escort story out there. Google Sean Harding.

  10. That Sean Harding thing just seemed to get swept under the rug. Nothing further developed, and it just fizzled out.

  11. Why not Joe? says:

    Lindsey is just cranky because he had to store his summer weight garden club sundresses. This happens every year

  12. thatotherjean says:

    If the Senate were a more moral place, Lindsey Graham would be censured and removed from his chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee *snerk*, at a minimum. It’s not, considering that it’s mostly Republican, so he won’t be.

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Things to ask every Republican nominee for anything checklist:

    What are you hiding?
    A) Russian connections, funding, election help
    B) Sex issues the GOP claims to care about
    C) Voter fraud
    D) Membership in KKK, Nazi, other white supremacist group
    E) Rape/sexual assault/allegations
    F) Religious allegiance that violates your oath of office
    G) Other reasons you can’t take that oath and mean it (specify in the lines below…)
    H) All of the above.

    There are others. Congenital dishonesty. Bone-deep hatred of any group of citizens. Can’t pass up a scam….

  14. Lindsey’s familiarity with the process strongly suggests he has tried it himself. Which begs the question, How many times ?

  15. Say What????? says:

    I wuz down to the bus station today and overheard that Chuck Grassley got the COVID from slow dancing wif Lindsey. Anybody know if that’s true?

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Wonder if miss Lindsey was in touch with the repugnanticans in charge of the canvassing board in Detroit who are refusing to certify the votes. Report says they want to force the repugnantican Michigan legislature to ignore the vote and choose electors that will vote for Trumpf. They can’t win in court or at the ballot box so now this.

  17. The GOPers in Detroit backed down at warp speed when they got The Reaction from the citizens. Damn good story! Basically it was a bit of poker playing on the part of the black residents. They called the GOP bluff! Good move!

  18. AlanInAustin ... says:

    lock him up

  19. Lindsey needs to be prosecuted and removed.
