“This Comes as a Shock,” Said No One

November 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry ain’t popular in Texas.

Latest polling for who Texans would support for President.

In what should surprise absolutely no one, Ted Cruz led the field, garnering 32% of the vote.  As for the rest of the field, 13% picked Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, 10% chose Rand Paul, 6% favor Bobby Jindal and 5% like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan.

Three percent chose Rick Perry.

Good Lord, they’d be willing to risk another Bush than have Perry be President.




Thanks to Texas Ellen for the heads up and John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to ““This Comes as a Shock,” Said No One”

  1. Awwwww! And I ain’t referring to no baby panda!

  2. 32% of Texans would vote for Ted Cruz? I’m afraid that’s the opposite of progress. Texas now has its head so far up its ass its looking out from its own nostrils.
    My heart breaks for my beloved and adopted state. The first election I voted in after I moved here I voted for Ann Richards. What the hell happened?

  3. So 6% still know who Bobby Jindal is? Strange.

  4. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    3% would vote for Perry? He should quit while he’s still ahead.

  5. Voters for Cruz VOTE. Sigh. What happened is two words: Koch brothers. Oh, and Oil. Well, oil ain’t new. And the Rich and Powerful happened. Texas was not long ago number two in having Fortune 500 list members. Where’s the money, honey? Wendy’s having a big event coming soon near you, if you live in Texas. Heck, maybe if you DON’T live in Texas. Watch for details! Is there any way to get the super duper rich to care more about water and poor folks, about water and education, about water and letting folks live at peace on their own lands?

  6. p.s. Even though their (annual, I heard last night) event was cancelled for wearing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS tags, I wore mine and got lots of interesting comments.

  7. Is that 3% for Perry, with or without his “smart” glasses?

  8. Okay, Molly Ivins said we should listen next time she told us all not to vote for the candidate from Texas. You folks know Perry and that’s why you don’t want him. But 32% of your fellow Texans would still vote for that slimy blowhard who believes in nothing but himself. Honestly, you need to get people in your state to pay more attention.
