Hey Canada – In Your Face

November 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Proving that the Good Ole US of A won’t get shown up by anyone, Republican congressman Trey Radel of Florida has been arrested on cocaine charges.

Way to go, USA.

treyradel2011In the statement, Radel said he realizes “the disappointment my family, friends and constituents must feel. Believe me, I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my actions.”

The arrest, he said, has a “positive side.” “It offers me an opportunity to seek treatment and counseling,” he said.

Yeah, let’s keep a positive light on the fact that you’re a rightwing Republican making choices about peoples’ lives for them while you’re. on. freekin’. cocaine.


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0 Comments to “Hey Canada – In Your Face”

  1. fenway fran says:

    You mean one of THOSE guys who want to drug test welfare recipients was legislating while under the influence???? He gets no sympathy from me.

  2. So I’m thinking it’s time to Do some drug testing in Congress, and also field sobriety tests..No wonder they can’t get anything done, they are all at the windows looking for the IBI “Invisible Bureau of Investigation,” or looking for their lap dance and a buy back…. God Love ’em.

  3. Of course, he’s sorry. He got caught.

  4. I’m not against drug testing for legislators, but IQ testing would be more to the point.

  5. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    From the article you linked to:
    “I know I have a problem and will do whatever is necessary to overcome it, hopefully setting an example for others struggling with this disease.”

    Um, so far, not so good in the setting an example category.
    You might have more luck with getting someplace if you put the horse BEFORE the cart.

  6. He also got a sympathetic judge. Probation for the guy from the U.S. House of Representatives. Jail time for most anybody else.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    This tool stated he has a problem with acohol,cocaine was not mentioned. His government sponsored healthcare would have paid for rehab w/o his getting busted. Typical rwnj. In Florida rethuglican’s kids get rehab,others get jail. Remember Jeb’s daughter and her subsequent buying of drugs while in rehab?

  8. C’mon, this doesn’t measure up to Ford’s level. Radel is just another hypocrite who got caught. Ford is an unrepentant, full-on, bull-moose loony.

  9. Let me see if I have this right. Someone who gets $3 or $4 a day in food stamps, should not eat if they fail a drug test, but Rep. Radel should keep his job & his $187,000 a year salary, AND get to vote to take away food from someone who did the same thing he did?

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Wally,did you see Ford take that woman down on video. Got a running start and ran right into her. Like a rethuglican,he found someone he could probably whip and had at it.

  11. It’s the old Repug mantra: “Do as I say, not as I do” or at least don’t get caught. And if you do get caught, don’t worry, no problemo.

  12. VintageMomma says:

    The “hip hop conservative,” as he describes himself. Now there’s an image.

  13. Nothin’ like a Florida conservative with a drug habit. Radel and coke on the Gulf Coast. Rush Limbaugh and oxycodone and hydrocodone on the East Coast. Great guys. Great examples for the kiddies. Great Amurriken Patriots.

  14. Don’t forget that Rush takes it International with Viagra and Dominican sex tourism.

  15. C’mon patrons… you didn’t really think these pieces of republican legislation could have been born anywhere but a crackhouse?

  16. Oh, so slick! At least Patrick Kennedy voluntarily decided not to run again. I totally agree with the IQ tests. And when Southerland (another Florida Rethug) runs his mouth off again about drug testing welfare recipients, a pix of this guy should be shoved not only in his face but up his nose!

  17. Marcia in CO says:

    This guy admitted to being an alcoholic … drugs and booze is a dandy combination!! If one don’t do it for him, the other one will … they should ALL be branded with a huge “L” on their foreheads!!

  18. His web page has an events calendar: http://www.treyradel.com/events/

    All the entries are white. Maybe those are planned snow days?

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Probation and no jail time, $250 fine slap on the wrist must mean it’s okay if you are a congresscritter. Plus he lied to authorities at the scene and had more coke at home.

  20. Inviting an Undercover Narc Cop home, to snort some coke, will usually result in…..being arrested.

  21. His comment was interesting, that the arrest “offers me an opportunity to seek treatment and counseling.” This is a variant of “mistakes were made.” He doesn’t say he has sought treatment and counseling, only that he has been offered the opportunity. He also says that he realizes “the disappointment my family, friends and constituents must feel.” And he’s disappointed, too — that he was caught. What a piece of work.

  22. Standard addictive double-talk. Also political, but the addictive component is large in this one.

    It fries me that rich white guys can get away with behavior they’d happily imprison a poor person–especially if not white–for. We do not have a “justice” system but a “whitewashing” system…

  23. It’s too personal–if his wife uses she needs treatment too, if she not using, she needs treatment for the abuse (co-dependency),that she has–“Jane, you ignorant slut!” Is not funny after one time-if that was what she is dealing with. “You don’t find many Mercedes in the parking lots” is because of the class prejudice –“Richard Cory” is still very prevalent, in my own case, I have a case#, so I am not human, I am an “interesting case.” Back when I had good insurance from my wealthy husband, since “what could I know” about any of it, well, growing up in horrific poverty and having escaped from that life by marring a, “looks only” rich guy who was blowing it all, because he was a drug addict)–I knew plenty, if any one had asked, instead of waiting for me to blow my brains out like a good upper middle class woman is supposed to do ( with pills, so it is neat and tidy)nobody asked and any friends I had had vanished because I had done nothing to bring the disaster upon my self..nothing but choosing the wrong man to fall in love with, and in a older diminishing pool of men, damn those younger poachers..it was too frightening to have me ( was 10 years, looked 20 years younger) over for dinner. So having no friends, i am safe to ask over for tea, no money, but still the language and the clothes from a previous life, I did not fit in anywhere, and being fully –need a wheelchair more and more often-disabled, I did not understand my upper middle class women’s fears–I was hardly a threat–I still after15 years do not–my clothes are now shabby enough, my convertible as well, surely by now –but now it may be “charming younger woman in distress” –life’s mysteries have escaped me, although I have attracted a ten year younger than me medical student as my partner–again a mystery..sorry the massive drug load makes me go on, and with one thumb to type with, I have lost three hour long efforts so far–I his is a disease, terrible in the magnitude of it’s scope and damage–if there is no hope for the parents, then save at least the children! My middle daughter got to college and sad,”Mom! There were a lot of people here that had one parent drug addicted, their lives where nothing like ours..how did you do it?” I replied, that it wasMy strong love for them, my faith in them, and God

  24. Sorry. And that those qualities were absent from the lives of the other children that they knew.
    Check the coke levels on Wall Street, and our Govt –it’s mind boggling what they get away with–taking our economies and the worlds down in a drug induced haze, please test them!
