Talk To Me

November 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m out of pocket most of today (details later) but our long time loyal customer Sybil lives in Albuquerque and let me know the good news last night and send along a loud scream of WE WON!

Do not mess with Albuquerque women.

On Tuesday, Albuquerque voters rejected the late-term abortion ban with 55 percent against it and 45 percent for it. The election drew more than 87,000 voters.

Opponents of this ban call this a victory for the women of Albuquerque.

Way to stinkin’ go!


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0 Comments to “Talk To Me”

  1. Had a feelin’ the cosmos would rebuild the balance after the Supremes passed on the TX abortion law that actually favors more money in the pocket of Perry’s sister.

    Viva Albuquerque!

  2. Aggieland liz says:

    Well good for them, they sure aren’t going to get any help from SCOTUS-CCA (Conservative Catholic Annex: motto, We Vote Our Conscience – Screw Yours!)!

  3. Oh dear,
    I guess I better keep an eye on the AP, something tells me you might be sneaking off to that Book Signing in Tyler today with Sarah Palin – I’m sure Fireworks will follow.

  4. I’d like to add that the runoff campaign for city council flipped the council majority to the Democrats! on a roll Albuquerque…

  5. Once again thinking about a move to New Mexico …

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Been over at CBS fighting with the anti-abortion crowd over Scotus decision to allow abortion restrictions until appeals court hears case. Pretty sure that court is populated by rwnj. Good on New Mexico. Some tool at CBS comment section couldn’t believe the liberal Scotus would vote for restrictions. These people are dumber than dumb.

  7. Nancy, NM is a great place to live. Remember we currently have a Republican Governor, but we seem to alternate between parties on a regular basis. Democrats have a majority in the state house, helping to limit stupidity. Although right now is a pretty exciting time to be in Texas (my native “country”). Every blue voter is needed there.

  8. @Litlhorn

    You do not need to worry about any riots in Tyler. You will find out later today about why Juanita Jean is out.

  9. Tell us! Tell us! Kyle, we’ll jist explode if you don’t tell! Oh well, I guess I could go do some housework which ain’t near as much fun as doing this. Remember to watch for keywords THE SECRET BUZZARD SOCIETY in juvenile fiction one of these days.
