Gee, That Sounds So … I Dunno … Republican?

January 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Prepare yourself.

After some Democratic congressmen announced that they are inviting Dreamers to the SOTU tonight …



Gosar, Honey, you won’t even enforce the Rule of Law on Russian sanctions.  Or interference in our election process.  Or sexual harassment in your damn hallowed halls.

I am told that Gosar will be easily recognizable tonight – he’ll be the one in a white hood carrying a tiki torch.


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0 Comments to “Gee, That Sounds So … I Dunno … Republican?”

  1. Gosar probably attends church services where they allow congregants to obey any 5 of the 10 Commandments.

  2. Gee, is Stormy Daniels being invited? Think how good that Trump boy would feel at the sight of her!

  3. What will distinguish him from his fellow Republicans is that the eye holes will be backwards.

  4. Rep. Gosar is from Wyoming, where the population consists of mostly cattle and Dick Cheney’s cast off hearts.

    Gosar, who proudly puts the DDS after his name, attended dental school at Creighton University, the worst dental school in the country. (My husband is a dentist and knows about these things.) Draw your own conclusions.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Stormy will be providing post game color of the splooch on Jimmy Kimmel. But to give all the snacilbupeR a jolt, Gloria Allred might be available. Or, call another of Donnie’s victims. There are enough that more than a few should be available.

  6. Gosar is a moron. Dreamers who are DACA recipients are here lawfully whether he likes it or not.

    He is right about one thing, the rule of law should indeed be enforced within the halls of congress. If it were, Gosar and his traitorous GOP brethren would be arrested and tried for treason.

  7. “Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.”-Mark Twain
    Gosar is living proof of that statement.

  8. Old Quaker says:

    Rep Pual Gosar AZ-4. Not Wyoming, The evil Cheney kid now holds that seat, as her daddy once did.

  9. In a sane world the fact that demented donnie took an oath to
    to follow and deefend the Constitition then flagrently decides to ignore a law paased by overwhelming majority and signed by him, new russian sanctions, would be grounds for immediate impeachment.
    But since these dodo’s allowed the twit to get away with his “signing statements” I guess there is no law or constitition left.

  10. slipstream says:

    Do the arrests start with Melania? She worked as a model in the US without a work visa. If you’re looking for illegal aliens, you don’t have to look very far.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    Fortunately for the preservation of sanity in Congress, Paul Ryan (of all people!) shot him down.

  12. @Old Quaker–I stand corrected. Thank you. Gosar was born in Wyoming.

    I see he’s tweeting now for everyone to watch Tucker Carlson’s show tonight to hear him bloviate about his SOTU comment. Gosar’s 15 minutes of fame. Reminds me of Lyin’ Ted Cruz.

  13. The republican party= The know nothing party.
    Dreamers are here legally for now.
    This man is an idiot and ignorant no matter were he went to school. Congressmen should know these things.
    Just like they should know about fake news, your on opinion vs. Facts and he should really really brush up on obstruction of justice and impeachment laws.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Speaking of idiots, word is out that Blakie aka Pajama Boy is balking at any concept of repaying taxpayers for the cost of his indiscretions. He wants to see what the new rules might say.

    If the idiots, perverts and other miscreants won’t resign, vote them out. Holding our breath waiting for any sort of Senate or House committee to discipline them is futile. When Lyin’ Ryan personally throws the butterfly net over Devin Nunes, then maybe …

  15. Under DACA, the Dreamers are legal. They are even being encouraged by this administration to sign up of renewal. If Gosar wants them arrested to being somebody’s guest tonight, thence should do the honors. Just think of the optics for his party and himself as he is dragged off by Capitol police!

  16. Wasn’t it Gosar, also known as Gosar the Gosarian, Gosar the Destructor, Gosar the Traveler, Volguus Zildrohar and Lord of the Sebouillia, that made that starring appearance in Ghostbusters? How did he get elected to the House of Commons???

    What a pi$$ant.

  17. Micr:
    The good folks of Arizona’s 4th have an abnormal love of marshmallows. It’s the only reasonable explanation.

  18. Lunargent says:

    Micr –
    That was Gozer.
    But your confusion is understandable.
