The Best People

December 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We were promised The Best People.

Please take a few minutes to watch Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) question Matthew Spencer Petersen, Trump’s nominee for district court judge.


Okay, so I admit that’s The Best imitation of a drunk lawyer that I have ever seen.  I do not know what this guy did with the money his momma gave him to go to law school, but he surely owes her an explanation.

I am not a lawyer.  I do, however, watch Perry Mason on the teevee so I know what a Daubert Standard and a Motion in Limine is.  Hell, did this guy never watch any part of the OJ trial?

Y’all, if this guy is the best I’d hate to see who didn’t make the cut.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Best People”

  1. It begs the questions….
    To whom did Trump owe a big favor to,
    And how bad was that favor if this guy was the result.
    Because we all know, Trump does nothing unless he benefits from it.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    They only need to learn to say no to-
    worker’s rights
    women’s rights
    public school funding
    health insurance for all
    welfare for the poors
    food stamps
    free speech
    and Muslims

    I’m sure Uncle Tom Thomas will have index cards printed up by Citizen’s United to remind them.

  3. E platypus nails it again.

  4. Fenway Fran says:

    Meanwhile, as all eyes were on the tax bill, Susan Collins cast the deciding vote to approve Steven Grasz, an opponent of abortion rights and LGBT laws, and who was rated “Unqualified” by the ABA. Another lifetime appointment of a man who is incapable of separating his personal and political agendas from his day job. He even thinks lower courts should be able to overrule SCOTUS.

  5. Momma please don’t slap my hand but I couldn’t resist borrowing and publishing this comment (which is dang funny and perhaps has some of truth, imo) from Huffington Post:

    Question: Judge Larry, what is a gavel?
    Answer: its put on rural driveways.
    Question: Judge Moe, what is “swearing in”?
    answer: What I do when I get my head cought in a vice. Question: Judge Curley, what do you think of the president? Answer: Yuk, Yuk, Yuk.
    Response from the panel – You’re in!

  6. I said this before, I have served on two jury trials to completion, so I have more court time than this jerk. How did he even get this far?

  7. When the dictator tot promised us the best people, he never specified what they would be best at.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    He seems qualified, in a Betsy Devious or Steve Munchkin kind of way.

  9. As much as it pains me to say it, I think we should give credit where credit is due–to Louisiana Republican Senator Kennedy simply for asking the pertinent questions concerning that moron’s qualifications. Wasn’t always that way. But it’s really a testament to how little Trump’s influence now matters to the senate. We can only hope that all of Congress will finally be just as disgusted with him as we are.

  10. Jack Patterson says:

    I just saw a tweet that Senator Kennedy voted to CONFIRM this guy. Tell me thank is fake, please

  11. This is the mistake made when the media focuses on the big stuff like the tax bill and the repeal of Obamacare and so forth. Trump may have lost most of those big fights so far, but he’s appointing these incompetent, biased judges to lifetime posts and making other executive appointments of people who are making long-term, sometimes irrevocable changes to our country. If we can’t stop these changes, at least we should be pointing at each of them and yelling like hell and then reminding the next President that they need to be corrected as much as possible.

  12. There is in my neck of the woods a thing called a magistrate. They handle picky little things that the great big judges don’t want to be bothered with. Would you believe they have to be more qualified than Peterson is? Tells you a lot, doesn’t it!

  13. Don Lowell says:

    How could that fellow allow himself to be humiliated like that?He should have stayed home.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    He looks like he’s been sent to the principal.

  15. Wanda Hickey says:

    OJ trial? He sounds like he’s never seen an episode of “Law & Order.”
