
December 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It pains me to have to write that Omarosa got fired / quit / pitched a vulgar fit / slapped somebody / was escorted off the property / or some damn thing.  Hell, it pains me to write “Omarosa.”

She reports —

I have seen things that made me uncomfortable.

Yes, Dear, they do have mirrors at the White House.

You know, maybe it’s just me, but I am thinking that the fact you’re the only black person in the White House would have made you uncomfortable long before now.



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0 Comments to “Omarosa”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Marketing 101 – she smells blood in the water and wants to be first to feed the maws of those ready to read a tell all Donnie book.

  2. Her mouth runnith over.

  3. My sainted mother always told me to say nothing about someone if I couldn’t think of something nice to say about them. So… Omarosa sure is tall isn’t she?

  4. Proudly can say I never saw one of those trumps reality tv shows! I really mean proudly, so I had to look up who this Omarosa person was..not a nice person am I right? Loud and vulgar then, so what would make her uncomfortable now?

  5. She only now saw things that made her uncomfortable? I didn’t think members of this administration were the fastest on the draw, but from what vantage point has she been watching this disaster unfold? A distant star, some light years from Asteroid Trump, and finally, this week the light arrived in her eyes?

  6. I don’t know why she isn’t fighting to stay. You’d think she would want to remain until all of us who were/are against The Abominable Showman were bowing down to him. After all, that’s what she said would happen.

  7. Honorary snowflake?

  8. Since this gig didn’t work out, the White House Diva sees dollar signs for her book. Watch Trump sue her.

  9. I was working up to making a snarky comment but figured the hell with it … this person isn’t worth the effort.

  10. Rick: “She only now saw things that made her uncomfortable? I didn’t think members of this administration were the fastest on the draw, but from what vantage point has she been watching this disaster unfold? A distant star, some light years from Asteroid Trump, and finally, this week the light arrived in her eyes?”

    Omarosa thought, like many in Trump’s circle, only of advancing her career and putting more money in her pocket even if it meant that she had to “sell” everyone and everything else out to accomplish it. She seems to have thought that when Trump disparaged others like herself, she wasn’t included. Now, she knows. Old Dude didn’t even think about informing her himself that she was being kicked out of her cushy $180,000 taxpayer-provided job. Omarosa deserves every bit of this, and as a black female, I’m very happy to see her getting what I suspected was coming to her since she first decided to align herself with the Talking Yam. Anyone who works for the TY may pledge to be loyal to him but the loyalty is never returned.

  11. I guess that “big brain” Trump’s so proud of didn’t think about confidentiality agreements. I have no doubt her book will be a bestseller.

  12. You don’t usually see karma swing around that fast. Whew! Your head spins.

  13. Sure hope it is true that Trump could not require non disclosures from Federal employees.

  14. On the first day of Channukah
    The good lord gave to me…
    Roy Moore lost his race
    Omarosa fired
    Farenthold resigned

    I can hardly wait.

  15. Bloviating Ignoramus says:

    Don’t get mad girlfriend … get even …
