The America That’s Great Right Now This Minute

September 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is a fun story sent to us by Kary, my Texan friend who retired to Spain and is spending all day every day emailing or on the phone getting Americans Abroad registered and voting while overlooking the ocean sitting on the gorgeous patio of his hillside villa with his gorgeous husband Jimmy.  Yeah, I’ve got friends like that.

Kary is kinda excited because there’s a drag queen who just won a primary election against an anti-gay Democrat in Delaware.

Delaware progressive Democrat Eric Morrison has soundly defeated incumbent State Rep. Earl Jaques (D) in the state’s primary election, garnering 61% of the vote.

Morrison is also a drag queen who performs under the name “Anita Mann.” Jacques, the incumbent, was a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights.

Anita Mann – I love that.

Here’s Eric and some of his supporters on election night.


Here’s Anita Mann and she is fabulous.



It restored my faith in humanity for an afternoon!

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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