Friday Fun

September 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Friday Fun”

  1. That is remarkable. You don’t even have to read music to know that this isn’t exactly usual.

  2. Silent movie piano psychosis with plaintive ending as the end of the year forbids us from knowing.

  3. “Based on a Cro-Magnon skinning chant.” Mostly likely composed during the period when Democrats, “European early modern humans” (EEMH), went their separate evolutionary path away from the Neanderthals that remained stuck on stupid Republicons.

    Or, not a wit of difference between then and now as the democratic populace jousts with the fascists in 2020 over evolution/progress vs. devolution/conservatism.

  4. This has been an in-joke among musicians for decades. “A Tribute to Zdenko G. Fibich”, among other titles.

  5. Wish I could read all the notations/instructions that go along with it. They look like they might be amusing.

  6. AK Lynne, try the link below which also provides a little history with descriptive passages a bit clearer: such as “release the penguins” and “Like a Dirigible” and “Gong duet.”

  7. Sam in Superior says:

    The Cognitive-Dissonance Waltz

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    No good place to post this- RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Sad day for her family and all of us.
