Bill Barr Is Giving Me a Damn Headache

September 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Have you noticed that Trump’s hissy fits, name-calling, and general egotistical behavior are rubbing off on Bill Barr?

I swear you could stick a pin in Barr and he’d fly around the room backwards for two or three days making exhaust noises and smelling up the air with haughty in three zip codes.

The latest?  The lawyers in his own justice department are pre-schoolers when they disagree with him.  Well yeah, you know, turning guns on peaceful protestors in the front of the White House might put your legal acumen in question, Barr.

“Name one successful organization or institution where the lowest level employees’ decisions are deemed sacrosanct, there aren’t. There aren’t any letting the most junior members set the agenda. It might be a good philosophy for a Montessori preschool, but it is no way to run a federal agency.”

Yeah, tell us how to run a federal agency, Bill, because we have never seen one run well under Trump. They have all been infested with cronyism and corruption at the top so if we don’t believe you, Master Barr, pull Stephen Miller out of your butt and mosey on down the road. You can leave your floppy shoes behind, because I feel sure that they will fit the next court jester, too.

And get this —

“You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history,” Barr said as a round of applause came from the crowd.

Oh, it’s going to be worse than that, Bill.  We’re going demand that people wear face masks in public.  As we approach 200,000 dead from doing it your way, Bill, I’m wondering about life, liberty, and happiness?  Is the life part unimportant?

Besides, conservatives do not get to lecture liberals about civil liberties. Don’t I have a civil liberty right to protest in front of the White House, Bill, without being hit, shoved, threatened, gassed and come damn close to having something sprayed on me that makes my skin feel like it’s on fire?  But there you were, waddling across the street with your boyfriend, watching civil liberties on the business end of  nightstick.

You’re an egg sucking dog, Bill Barr.

And your calmness in the face of women having forced hysterectomies with God only knows how many complications and deaths, is truly impressive.  We’re the United States, Bill, and we’re supposed to protect everybody’s civil liberties.  We may have had the right to send the immigrants back to Mexico but we absolutely do not have the right to rip their children from them and put them in cages, and then perform mystery unnecessary surgeries on them.

What the hell is wrong with your soul, Bill Barr?

I have more to say but I’ve run out of words and my fingers are tired.  I can assure you that I’m not finished.

A note to the secret service.  If Bill Barr refuses to leave the White House after the election, I have access to a front loader.  I just wanted you guys to know that, and that I’d be willing to drive it.


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0 Comments to “Bill Barr Is Giving Me a Damn Headache”

  1. alex aitken says:

    William Barr… Bob Barr was a congressman from Georgia, equally as yucky as billy barr

  2. Texas Expat in CA says:

    JJ, it’s Bill Barr, not Bob Barr. Other than that, I agree 100% with everything you wrote!

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I’m gonna fix that. See what a bad headache he gave me?

  4. Republican Attorneys General are all just evil, evil people. Going back to John Mitchell. Remember Alberto Gonzalez? I do. Barr, though, really takes the cake. What a loathsome toad.

    I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna survive the next 7-8 weeks. I’ve started poring over Nate Silver’s site obsessively–something I swore I would not do again after 2016.

  5. There was an odious little soap sack in Georgia’s 7th district aka Bob Barr from 1995 to 2003. In this instance the references speak of Bill aka Billy Bob Barr, the f cking moron’s court jester and equivalent Roy Cohn.

    Whatever Bill Barr did for GHW Shrub, he’s gone full on bullet train on absolute unchecked powers for a president. Call him an autocrat, a fascist or whatever one deems as most dangerous to government. Together Barr, McConnell and the absolute moron are taking “the end justifies the means” to the craziest level imaginable.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’ve called him Billie Bob Barff.
    Some of his other shit this week:
    -concerning the election if Biden prevails he said we’ll be “irrevocably committed to the “socialist path” if president trump is not re-elected;
    -accused government workers of working to thwart the administration;
    -he said as attorney general he is not supposed to “get into politics”, which he went on to define as appearances on the campaign trail. Really? Everything he’s done as AG has been part of Trumpfs campaign. He might as well have been the keynote speaker at the RNC CONvention.
    Let’s not forget his lead role in lying about the Mueller report to exonerate Trumpf, and downplaying the Russian intrusion into our elections in 2016 and even now. Then there’s his current work on the “October surprise.”
    He’s a scared corrupt bastard that fears losing his job because he knows he’ll be forever condemned andout of work. Hopefully prosecuted and dis-barred.

  7. Where did Bill Barr go off the rails? His chicken or egg omelet of cracked constitutional interpretation(s) is a two pronged Barr of crazy. Barr is a Opus Dei kind of guy who takes that opus dopey level of insanity a few notches beyond pRick Santorum. To that Barr adds the not a rocket scientist fuel of the unitary executive theory of crowning a king of the USA.

  8. Actually, some of the best run law firms in America, require associates, after the first year, and after they pass the bar, to manage the agenda of all-hands meetings. Each might need the experience and the old fogy partners ought to meet their partners in training. Hale and Dorr circa 1998 comes to mind.

    What a jackweed.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    BarbinDC@4: Hey, let’s not leave off Edwin Theres-no-hunger-in-America Meese. Yeah, the guy who had never missed a meal in his life, who just figured no one else had either.

    Plus his chain of “nursing homes”, constantly being fined for tying people in beds until the bed sores ate through to the bone. Unless they got lucky and the maggots ate the infected parts. But a few $200 fines each year was just a cost of business to him.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Something else I meant to add to my earlier comments that Barrf said yesterday: the Black Lives Matter movement is “exploiting” deaths of Black people at the hands of police for political gain. He called them “just props”. He said “maybe a dozen” Black people had died during police actions. He’s the top cop in this country and he speaks without knowing what the hell he’s talking about. This year thru August, 123 Black people have died at the hands of police, and average over 200/year since 2017 (well over).
    He’s so f…ing tone deaf when he speaks. This was every bit as bad as his slavery comments about recommended coronavirus actions by scientists, and as we know, there were zero actions by the administration he promotes and stinks up.
    Like Trumpf, every day Barrf opens his mouth, something more disgusting comes out.
    Someone mentioned another AG that looked like he’d never missed a meal. I don’t like to fat shame, but Barrf never passes up a big piece of free cake. When he slouches in his seat while being interviewed with his barrel gut protruding, he reminds me of something gross. Was trying to recall a Dr Seuss character but I think he just looks like a monster poisonous toad with glasses. He’s that slimy. He’s got me worked up today if you can’t tell.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    He’s prepping the DOJ to uphold his majesty as President when the vote goes against him. He’s a worse sneak than his majesty, because he’s educated and very sly.

  12. thatotherjean says:

    Yep. “An egg-sucking dog” about sums up Bill Bar. The sooner he and his delusional orange “client” are out of office–and preferably out of the country–the happier most of us will be. And the safer, saner, and more free. The whole of the Trump administration needs to be gone, so we can get on with repairing everything they have broken, and fixing it so that it can’t be broken so easily, ever again.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    I can name one. When I took my last newspaper job, I had just found my desk when a short, ruddy man with white hair came up, stuck out his hand and said, “I’m Colin Cameron, I’m the publisher. You write what you want.”

    And he walked off.

    I did have editors who changed my stories or asked they be improved but I never had one spiked at that paper.

  14. OK, this is slightly off thread but not all that much.

    I’ve been panicking lately because Democratic talking heads are constantly pointing out all the ways we’re so good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Yeah, we don’t want to get complacent but come ON! My heart isn’t as strong as it used to be and I’m living on nitroglycerin these days.

    Then I came across a pic I downloaded almost two years ago and stuck in my rotating wallpaper file. It’s of a polling place with 6 lines snaking down the block and around the corner and out of sight.
    And folks, I’m here to tell you that we are at least as FIRED UP AND READY TO GO! as we were two years ago.

    And remember what happened to the House then? If we just keep plugging it will happen not only with the House, the Senate and the office Trump has trashed with Whopper wrappers, governors, mayors and state legislatures need to be quaking, too.

    Yes, we’re gonna have to contend with lots of angst between now and November and likely violence after it’s all done — but that pic gave me hope for the first time in months.

    Which is why I downloaded it in the first place. Because I had no doubt THIS would happen as we closed in on November.


  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I want to put Blub-barr and Pimpeo in a small cell so they can’t even turn around. After living on bologna sandwiches for a few months, I’m sure things will loosen up in there.

  17. Liberty Belle says:

    It’s Constitution Day. You’d think Barr could just give it a rest for the one day.

  18. I can’t stop calling him Billbo Barrfo. Childish of me, but he deserves much worse.

  19. Barr has come a long way since his oh-so-ttranquil Senate confirmation hearings.

    Proving that, sooner or later if you wait long enough … shit floats.

  20. Barr is the reason for the failure of the Mueller Report.
    His rules insured it would appear inconclusive.
    He’s the most dangerous member of this administration.
    Because he, way more than anyone else, is moving us towards fascist autocracy. Not necessarily because he wants it more than anyone else, but because he’s the guy who comes across as the least rabid, most non-partisan member of the bunch
    Not to us. But to the apothetics he’s the picture of objectivity. Simply by holding his position and doing what he does without foaming at the mouth.

  21. JJ, if you need somebody to ride shotgun , let me know…

  22. Maybe the Japanese Americans in California and Hawaii during WWII could discuss loss of civil rights with Billo. Just saying!

  23. Harry Eagar says:

    In Hawaii there was no concentration of Japanese and Japanese-Americans, only a limited roundup of suspected subversives, same as there was (on a much lesser scale) of Italians and Germans.

    There were 2 main reasons for the difference. 1) the head of the FBI in the islands had been there long enough to understand that there was no real threat. 2. Japanese made 40% of the work force and the military needed them.

    Lesser reasons were 3. The panicky Gen. deWitt did not have authority in Hawaii. 4. The Hawaii newspapers were racist but not as Der Sturmer-like as the ones on the West Coast. 5. In Hawaii, the AJAs (Americans of Japanese Ancestry) did not own any land that whites coveted.
