Thank You, Mother

April 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, shame on you.  Shame on you for making fun of Mike Pence for going into the Mayo Clinic without a mask because he wanted “to look people in the eye.”

Yeah, well, that didn’t work.  You don’t put masks over your eyes, unless he accidentally ordered a Lone Ranger mask.  Which, come to think of it, is within the realm of possibility.

So, when his excuse didn’t fly, they called in the calvary.  Mother. They called Mother. For the few deaf, dumb, and blind who are Juanita fans, Mike Pence calls his wife “Mother,” which is way kinkier than I wish to ponder on.

Mother says.



He didn’t know. I mean, he couldn’t tell from everybody else wearing a mask.

Her story is that he didn’t know about it. His story is that he’s a bumbling fool.

The Mayo Clinic also has a story.



The real scary part about this is that these two actually had children.


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