Now, Remind Me Who The Enemy Is Again?

April 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Maryland has a Republican Governor by the name of Larry Hogan.

Hogan told Robert Costa of the Washington Post today that he put his state’s Covid-19 testing supplies in an undisclosed location to hide them from the federal government.

And by the federal government, he means Donald Trump.

Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan told the Washington Post’s Robert Costa on Thursday that he has had to hide COVID-19 testing kits to make sure President Donald Trump doesn’t commandeer them.

During an interview with Costa, Hogan explained how he worked to smuggle testing kits in from South Korea in a complicated process that took over three weeks to pull off.

Hogan said that he even called in the Maryland National Guard to oversee the delivery of the shipment of the testing kits as they arrived at BWI.

And now they are at an undisclosed location being guarded by the state police and the Maryland National Guard.

Remind me who the enemy is?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Now, Remind Me Who The Enemy Is Again?”

  1. Sandy Havens says:

    You wrote “calvary” when you meant
    cavalry. I’m sure you know the difference. It is a common mistake.

  2. Welcome to the new Third World country, the USA, replete with incompetent, greedy officials, political warlords and self-serving government thugs.

  3. Mary Ramos says:

    Someone needs to tell him that if he got the kits out of hiding and actually used them to test some Marylanders, it would take care of two problems: His state’s citizens could be tested before they come down with the virus and get terribly sick, and he wouldn’t have to worry about Trump sending the troops in to steal the test kits. There you go!

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    The enemy? It’s multiple with Covidiot* 45, his* people, Moscow Mitch and Republicons. Although with the ‘defection’ of Larry Hogan, there’s a bit of a vulnerability showing in their “one mind” against all the rest of us. Note that Hogan has command of his State Troopers and National Guard. Not expecting the Toddler-in-Thief* to be leading anyone into ‘battle.’ But if we do see golf carts rolling down Main Street think we can take them. Maybe throw hamberders to distract them.

  5. What do you call a banana republic that doesn’t grow bananas?

    A banana republic.

    Or, in our case, Trumpistan.

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Sandy, you can never trust my spelling before I’ve had my office at about 9:00 these days or before I’ve had a glass of wine at 7:00, which means you can’t ever trust my spelling. I spent my whole life having the luxury of an editor. It ruined me.

  7. Old Quaker says:

    Larry Hogan is one of the people who can help the True Conservatives create a new party from the rubble. We need 2 sensible, non-ideological, parties to make our system work. Hogan fearlessly beat cancer so he’s not afraid of the trumpskin. I’ll bet Trump pissed bullets when he read about this. He’ll probably have some public words about about it, he
    always does. Stay tuned.


    Armed protesters invade Michigan State House. I begin to tell you how sick this makes me.

  9. …that was CAN’T begin to tell you….

  10. When will this kind of nonsense very more press? Many are not broadcasting prez nutjob’s pressure live so they have time to cover his other issues.

  11. Jill Ann says:

    Ak Lynne@8, as a native Michigander, I agree completely. Sickening. What is wrong with my home state? I expect craziness here in TX, but it’s jarring to see it up there.

  12. BFSMan says:
    What do you call a banana republic …

    In these days of hidden test kits, lack of surgical masks, the armed invasion of a state capitol, you might also call it an outlaw bandana republic.

  13. Jill Ann, I grew up in Michigan too, although I have spent twice as many years in Alaska, but I still hate seeing this. To me it seems like a portend of things to come between now and the election defeat of Trump. Damned frightening.

  14. This is a really good article.

    The moral of it, being that the US shouldn’t be wholly depended on other countries for essential supplies and should be manufacturing them in this country. One take away, is the damage that Trump has done to the US’s relationship with China due to his slurs and lies.

  15. Old Quaker says:

    Those Michigan protesters, with military arms, are totally unhinged. I’d bet none ever read a book and they have no time for newspapers. They marinate in their own ignorance.

  16. Old Quaker @ 15,

    If all of those gun toting, in-your-face screaming white guys had been black or hispanic, they’d be shot dead or arrested by now. The only cure for shit like this are stronger gun laws and a vaccine for smallcox.

  17. twocrows says:

    Of course, it’s hard to test people when the test kits are hidden away. I don’t see a big difference, actually, between Trump sticking them in an underground warehouse somewhere and Hogan doing the same.

    Kudos for keeping Trump’s hands off them. Now how does he get them INTO the doctors’, nurses’ etc. hands?

  18. BarbinDC says:

    In Hogan’s case, it won’t make a lick of sense to open any part of Maryland’s economy without the cooperation of DC and Virginia. Plus, he’s a Rethug in a very blue state surrounded by a sea of blue. Texas, Georgia and Florida paid absolutely no attention to what China did in Wuhan: kept everything shut and people at home until there were ZERO new infections for TWO weeks.

    I hope those of you in the aforementioned states have noticed what’s happened in New York because your hospitals and your death toll are going to look just like that in a couple of weeks.

    Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci’s initial estimate of 100-200,000 deaths is going to pan out because too many people can’t stay home and the Orange Moron–with the compliance of Moscow Mitch–won’t spend the money to directly take care of the people.

  19. oops! should be Blacks and Hispanics. Dang typos!

  20. Old Quaker @15:
    Unfortunately they have The Turner Diaries on audiobook.
    But marinate in their own ignorance is the best description I’ve heard in awhile.
    I’ve been thinking about that a lot for quite a while. How did we get to this point where so many people choose to get their reality from sources that feed them what they want to hear, claiming to be journalists? And the answer was there all along. Because those sources presented themselves.
    To me, the best analogy is someone growing up in an insular environment leaving the nest and discovering whole new world views, because they’re denied the constant validation of the people who feel the same way, and are forced to see things from a different perspective.
    But now the old, comfortable reality is as close as Facebook. No matter how bigotted. No matter how surrounded by multicultural people, the old ways are just a click away.

  21. thatotherjean says:

    @ Mary Ramos: Governor Hogan has the test kits, but he doesn’t have the swabs and reagents needed to run them. Why they aren’t part of the kits, or whether they are and are missing, I don’t know–but there we are. They can’t be used without the missing parts, which the state is still trying to procure. Testing in this country is absolutely FUBAR.

    In answer to Juanita Jean’s question, I’d say “the enemy” I’d go after would be Donald Trump and Jared Kushner before anybody else. Trump for wanting to keep his “numbers” low, so he’s lying about the availability of testing, and Kushner for stealing tests, ventilators, and PPE and giving it to FEMA, which is apparently selling it instead of using it to keep front-line workers safe. Both ought to be charged with crimes against humanity.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    I have held the opinion that Trump, or Kushner, is sending valuable PPE and other equipment to friendly places like Florida … all the national stockpile of tin foil hats is in Michigan.

  23. Robert McClellan says:

    One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
    if we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle.
    We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us.
    It is simply too painful to acknowledge— even to ourselves—that we’ve been so credulous.
    — Carl Sagan, “The Fine Art of Baloney Detection”

  24. we have met the enemy & they are us…

  25. when used during hunting in MI AR-15’s require a max mag capacity of 5 rounds, arrest those violators!

  26. maggie says:

    I know I just may get publicly stoned for this but ther eis something about that drowd of armed protesters in MI and their predecessors of just a few weeks ago, also armed. If you are ever in a large enough town in MI, count the number of bars. They will outnumber both banks and gas stations. The MAGA crowd love them their bars and can’t live without them opening up for business. Real patriots they aint. They honestly think that when going back to work without safeguards that no one will die.

  27. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie @26, if you would please, help me out. Albeit not having had a grammar book in my hand since English401 I don’t
    deserve it.

    Trying to parse this phrase about the covidiot protestors: “They honestly think…” Is that similar to a double negative since they are neither honest or thinking, or some historical aside to Diogenes?

  28. Buttermilk Sky says:

    So armed (white) men are basically rioting in the capitol. Gov. Whitmer should call in the Michigan National Guard and see who has the most guns. A big part of this is simply hatred of a woman governor. Take the toys from the boys and they won’t be so obnoxious.

    In the wake of the mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada has banned eleven categories of assault weapons. Perhaps one day we’ll have a sensible government.

  29. One must hope that a Sh-to-Kill order is in place!

  30. Gov Hogan gives me hope that there are STILL some Republicans that haven’t lost their minds. He most assuredly doesn’t seem to be a trumpublican at all.

  31. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Excellent piece about the Lansing riot here. I call your attention to the two tweets: Trump calling the thugs “very good people” and Senator Polehanki describing her colleagues wearing bulletproof vests.

  32. thatotherjean says:

    Frank and Buttermilk Sky–I couldn’t agree with you more.

  33. Harry Eagar says:

    I live in Maryland. Yes, complete supplies are not yet available, but yes, too, Hogan has ordered priority to testing everybody at nursing homes/long-term care facilities, which makes sense since those Covid Concentration Camps are slaughtering the elderly.
