Tarrant County Sheriff Shows Ass on National TeeVee

October 10, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe

Holy Jesus.  Today, for some unknown reason, Tarrant Country Sheriff, and Guy Who Listens to Too Much Rush Limbaugh, Bill Waybourn, was asked to address the nation from the White House press room about immigration.  Before I discuss his shameful tirade, I’ll give him a little advice about one bad habit that he, and many other ignorant big tuff guys from Texas have…


If Ol’ Man Papa Jefe were alive today and in that room, he would’ve slapped that silly Cavender’s-Made-in-China Chamber Pot off his head telling him he had no manners wearing his hat in the house. He would ask loudly if he was raised in a barn, which apparently Waybourn was.  I learned that lesson early and well.

Now, onto said Waybourn’s hateful statement – during his rant, he had some choice things to say about those dark skinned people coming across our southern border.  Among his remarkable claims were that “they are drunks who will run over your children,” and “they will run over my children.”  He ranted on and on about a “California judge making law,” and other nonsense.

What an embarrassment.  Using the platform of the White House for these kinds of screeds in uniform is nothing short of shameful.  Here it is if you can hold your nose long enough.  The screed starts around 46:00.

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