Tarrant County Sheriff Shows Ass on National TeeVee

October 10, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe

Holy Jesus.  Today, for some unknown reason, Tarrant Country Sheriff, and Guy Who Listens to Too Much Rush Limbaugh, Bill Waybourn, was asked to address the nation from the White House press room about immigration.  Before I discuss his shameful tirade, I’ll give him a little advice about one bad habit that he, and many other ignorant big tuff guys from Texas have…


If Ol’ Man Papa Jefe were alive today and in that room, he would’ve slapped that silly Cavender’s-Made-in-China Chamber Pot off his head telling him he had no manners wearing his hat in the house. He would ask loudly if he was raised in a barn, which apparently Waybourn was.  I learned that lesson early and well.

Now, onto said Waybourn’s hateful statement – during his rant, he had some choice things to say about those dark skinned people coming across our southern border.  Among his remarkable claims were that “they are drunks who will run over your children,” and “they will run over my children.”  He ranted on and on about a “California judge making law,” and other nonsense.

What an embarrassment.  Using the platform of the White House for these kinds of screeds in uniform is nothing short of shameful.  Here it is if you can hold your nose long enough.  The screed starts around 46:00.

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0 Comments to “Tarrant County Sheriff Shows Ass on National TeeVee”

  1. Funny how the cities several hundred miles from the border are the most skeered. Cities a LOT closer have no problem.

  2. Sourse he doesn’t take of his hat! If he did you would see what is hiding under there! My guess is some kind of clockwork thingy almost like an old fashioned ticker tape machine like they used to have in brokerage houses!

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m not paid enough to watch stuff like this so thank you for just telling me!

  4. panthercityhorn says:

    While I previously commented on the Bad in Juanita Jean’s post below, I fully endorse your common sense among real Texans suggestion regarding removing hats while indoors.

    However, Bill Waybourn is the poster child for the saying “All hat, no cattle,” therefore, he chooses to remain adorned by his dimestore headgear. Rexall Rangers like Waybourn became a fad during Urban Cowboy times and I mistakenly thought they were all extinct. Hopefully, this endangered species will be extinct as of November 4, 2020, if the voters in Tarrant County exercise their right to vote on the 3rd.

  5. RepubAnon says:

    If you’re all hat no cattle, do you disappear if you take off your hat? Interesting experiment to run…

  6. joe's coninuously confused says:

    How come you got to say f…ing?
    If that’s his “f…ing” does he have a pooping hat?…..an eating balogna sammiches hat?…..a naptime hat?…..or is that just a big ole “dumbass holder”.
    I am a native born Texan and grow more convinced each day that if “ignorance is bliss”, we live in the HAPPIEST PLACE IN DA WHOLE WIDE WORLD.

    bless their hearts

    (I have to go wash the vision of him f…ing in that hat out of my lil brain. How much does clorox cost?)

  7. Hats inside drive DH nuts. He can’t stand it, even baseball hats.

    Lyle Lovette sings ‘Don’t Touch My Hat’.

    It’s mainly about no longer being able to remove your hat, place it on the hook and trust it will be there later.

    But, the White House should not be that kinda place.

  8. Cato the Censor says:

    I agree completely! Only oafs wear their hats indoors.

  9. White, privileged diplomats wives run over children with apparent impunity.

  10. Fred Farklestone says:

    Who could forget these two faux cowboy’s in the White House!


  11. okie-dokie says:

    Several years ago Tarrant County had a spell of off duty law enforcement officers who would get drunk and be stopped for bad behavior.

    The previous sheriff or Ft Worth COP put a stop to it be threatening to fire any LEOs for such behavior. No more news stories about drunken off duty cops.

    Who are the drunks racing and a menace to kids and others? (And that Cavender’s hat does look “Rexall Ranger.”)

  12. Unknown Beatle says:

    Check this out.

    Tarrant County sheriff’s son arrested on indecent exposure charge –
    Sergei Waybourn was arrested, days after Sheriff Bill Waybourn’s comments about undocumented immigrants sparked controversy.



  13. Unknown Beatle #12
    Drat you beat me to it.
