The Good, the Bad, and the Climbers

October 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Good – I’ve been meaning to tell y’all about this for a while now and I keep forgetting.  If you haven’t heard of Penzeys Spices, haul yourself  over there and take a look around. You’ll find the spices and lots of recipes explaining how to use them.  I am a Penzeys fan because their spices are fresh, cheap, and really, really good. I think I put “Justice” on just about everything. They have amazing sales (wait for one!) and if you sign up for their emails, you get notices of them. They also offer sample sizes so you can try before you invest. Plus, their bottles are so adorable.

The Bad – A Texas sheriff says that migrants are “drunks” who will “run over your children.” He is from Tarrant County – thank Fort Worth – the last Republican big city stronghold in Texas.  Thankfully, the Republicans are fading fast there.

The Climbers – An 8 year old climbed Trump’s wall.


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0 Comments to “The Good, the Bad, and the Climbers”

  1. True Blue in Texas says:

    I love Penzeys spices! They’re delicious. Plus, the Penzeys owners have publicly taken a stand against Trump and corruption, and their business is thriving.

  2. Kenneth Fair says:

    Penzeys’ Sandwich Sprinkle is great on everything, particularly popcorn.

  3. Well, sure, an eight year old girl can climb over Trump’s Impenetrable Border Wall. But can she ascend the imposing heights of Trump’s Great & Unmatched Wisdom?

    I hope so, then maybe she’ll discover if there’s anything up there.

  4. panthercityhorn says:

    Sweet Jeebus! WTF is that moron doing out of Tarrant County? Better yet, wtf is he doing while supposedly imitating Barney Fife while in office? My hometown (Ft. Worth) should be embarrassed by this fear mongering imbecile whose i.q. and shoe size are surely a match. Nice to know our county taxpayer dollars are being well spent on this slug to stay in Washington and spew his bile when given a camera to stand in front of. Hopefully on November 3, 2020, there will be a swamp draining from Washington to Fort Worth that will rid both locales of such pompous tools.

  5. Old Quaker says:

    Love Penzey’s spices! Luckily there’s one near us. Bill Penzey writes and posts essays on politics and he’s very progressive. (He’s not a Quaker but sounds like one) Time has shown he gains more customers than he loses. Clerks in the Littteton, CO store say say some people have returned their spices after reading his stuff but more report they love his essays. You can buy online as well; check the web site. JJ, thanks for noting this. I sent my TX cousin a gift box and she now shops at the Houston store.

  6. About 20 or 25 years ago I received in the mail a typed mailer from Penzeys spices. I mean it was typed on a typewriter! I took a chance and ordered some spices and I’m still ordering spices from Penzey’s. Best company ever and great spices.

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Not to sound paranoid, but Sherrif Rootin Tootin Waybourn also said “That’s who we’re trying to initially eliminate out of our country”.

    Initially? So, who’s next on the list? Commies (of course), liberals, Democrats certainly. Then maybe the elderly or disabled – as one of the Sheriff”s philosophical antecedents put it, they’re just useless mouths. After that, those who fail to show adequate loyalty to Trump?

    Sorry, panthercityhorn. I’m also from Fort Worthless, but when I visit Texas this summer I’ll take I-35E instead of I-35W on my way to San Antonio.

  8. My God!
    Mexico is sending over hordes of 8 year old girls who climb like monkeys to run over our children!

    And apparently cook with tasty spices… that last bit was a bit unclear.

    Seriously, though. I’ve been a fan of Penzey’s for years – ever since I learned I could buy their chili powder by the pound.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    @Rick: If that little girl ascends the heights of Trump’s Great and Unmatched Wisdom, I’m pretty sure that all she will find is cobwebs and bile.

    Love Penzeys spices!

  10. fenway fran says:

    My daughter got me hooked on Penzeys spices when she was in grad school at UT. She sent me a care package of goodies from the Austin store. No Penzeys close enough to me, so I am an online junkie. Their spices are the bomb, their sales are too good, Bill’s emails make me cheer, my spice cabinet is overflowing, and like Juanita Jean, I put Justice (which was FREE) on everything! Galena Street and Tsardust Memories fight each other for the honor every time I make pork chops. I have a jar of something special for every mood.

  11. I learned about Penzey’s from my son. He sent me a package and I have been a customer ever since. I too cheer at Bill’s messages and have a whole bunch of their spices in my cabinet.
    My favorite is Galena Street but I do use their minced garlic in almost every dish I make.

    I laughed hard at the kid who climbed the fence and harder at the almost instant climb by an adult.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Penzeys is one of the good things we discovered when we lived in Harris County and had a Houston mailing address. The store was a perfect joy to visit and the selection and quality were both outstanding. Here in Central Pennsyltucky, we buy by mail. There’s a retail store in Pittsburgh but we don’t get there often and usually it’s an expedition to someone like the Warhol Museum. Get on the Penzys mailing list and learn about the specials that happen on a weekly basis.
