Gaslighter in Chief Strikes Again

April 14, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Lie, Trump

Trump is on national television now, blaming the WHO for his incompetence and has ordered the US government to cut off funding to it.  That’s right, folks, Trump, who sat on his fat ass from December to the middle of March playing golf and holding rallies, is now desperately trying to rewrite history to shift blame for his gross negligence onto the media, China, and the WHO.

God save us.  We’ve got nothing left.

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0 Comments to “Gaslighter in Chief Strikes Again”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    CNN is back to the rescue with the chyrons that tell the real story as his majesty spews forth. Did he ever make it back to for that annual checkup he started suddenly on a Saturday last year? Now might be a good time for the rest of it and maybe a 5 1/2 month hospitalization!

  2. Old Fart says:

    I just found this video of Boris Johnson addressing the nation about his experience surviving Covid-19. And he vehemently labels the NHS as the most precious of jewels of the UK. As well he names his caregivers who personally saved his life.

    He clearly is not the psychopath that Boss Tweet is…

    Show this video to GOPs who are desperately trying to take healthcare from us.

  3. Old Fart says:

    Oh yes, I found the video at the bottom of an article:
    “Rural America is facing higher coronavirus death rates than major cities driven by the aging population of small towns, report finds”.

  4. Other than auctioning off our nuclear missile launch codes to the highest bidder, I can’t think of anything f**king trump could do better to inspire the rest of the world to continue using us as a shining example of world leadership.

    Depending on which parts of the rest of the world we’re talking about.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Despite all the rational leaders, medical pros, etc., following the data-driven science of epidemiology, despite Dr. Fauci’s cautious cautions, tRump is bulling ahead with his deadly ‘re-opening’ feverdream.
    The muthafucka is without a doubt going to kill a whole lot more people, and so far, despite a bunch of pushback and resistance to him, he’s getting away with it.

    This behavior is the worst case of ‘domestic terrorism’ since those of Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and the rest of the world’s tyrants stretching back forever.
    A handful of Islamic terrorists killed less than 3,000 Americans almost 20 years ago in a domestic attack. America went nuts over it.
    We began at least two ultimately pointless multi-trillion dollar wars over that. Killed hundreds of thousands [many non-combatant innocents]. And we slammed thousands of suspected terrorists into Gitmo, Abu Gharib, and other such holes.

    We’ll be past 25,000 dead of COVID19 by Thursday, and climbing. Some significant number of those dead are attributable to the SOBOTUS’s malevolence, ideology, and incompetence.
    Meanwhile, one of the current world’s top terrorists, that SOBOTUS trump, resides unfettered in our own goddamned White House.

    ” Trump: US to re-open ‘maybe even before 1 May’
    “The plans to reopen the country are close to being finalised,” says Trump, and could be even earlier than 1 May.
    “I will be speaking to all 50 governors very shortly and I will be authorising each individual governor of each individual state to implement a plan” to open, he says, “at a time and manner that is most appropriate”.
    “The day will be very close,” he pledges, saying that over 20 states are “in completely good shape and we think we’re going to get them open quickly”.
    “The federal government will be watching them closely. We will hold governors accountable but will be working with them to make sure it goes really well.”
    Trump has been feuding with governors over who has the right to end lockdowns.
    Experts agree it’s the state governors who are responsible for policing their states under US law.”
    Oh yeah, a COVID19 vaccine won’t be available until late next year, in all likelihood; possibly sooner if many corners are cut. Or if ever, since we still have no vaccine for the common cold, which is another ‘coronavirus’. :
    Coronavirus: GSK and Sanofi join forces to create vaccine:
    “GSK and Sanofi, two of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical giants, are joining forces to try and create a vaccine to stop the spread of Covid-19.
    The bad news is that the vaccine – even if it is successful – will not be ready till the second half of next year. … GSK’s chief executive Emma Walmsley told the BBC that vaccines usually take a decade to develop and test. A plan to make a vaccine available in just 18 months was a huge acceleration of the normal process, she said.

    Other groups have promised faster vaccine results. Sarah Gilbert, an Oxford University professor engaged in a separate search for a vaccine, said she was “80 per cent confident” her team’s development would work by autumn.

    There are more than 20 vaccines currently in development. Among those under way at the moment are:”

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    P.P., it has been our greatest desire since it was announced that the ***king moron* had somehow been finagled into an Electoral College ‘victory,’ that whoever the person carrying the football will run like the wind in the opposite direction of Covidiot* 45. The other failsafe would be that the ***king moron* is too st00pid to follow the activation code sequence. Twitter away, Orange Foolius*, Cheyenne doesn’t accept authentication via Twitter. Launch now! as two diet cokes go sailing past his* head.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Talk is cheap. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if Boris’s next budget has more money for the NHS. It was Tory “austerity” that left it unprepared to handle this pandemic.

  8. NTxSteve says:

    As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright moron.”
    H.L. Mencken, 1920

    Wonder if he knew how perfectly he predicted America’s future?

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m waiting for a reporter after Trump goes off for being asked reasonable questions to ask him this simple question – “if you don’t like questions about the things you say publicly, then don’t say such stupid false things.” Then when he actually does stomp out of the briefing, applause breaks out. Then maybe these worthless briefings will stop.

  10. slipstream says:

    Wow, Trump is learning from . . . Sarah Palin.

    In 2008, Palin sent every resident of Alaska $1200 from the state government treasury. This was not part of the Alaska permanent fund dividend. It was over and above the dividend. Just “here ya go, some money for you.”

    Palin was, of course, running for office. She used state money to buy popularity.

    Now Trump is sending everybody in the US $1200 from the federal treasury. And his name will be on the check.

    Do you think he is running for office?

    Hmmm . . . how did that election work out for Vice President Palin?

  11. Sadly, WHO is well used to irrational R presidents. In contrast to the US, the UK just made an additional to WHO, for the COVID response.

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    Trump is a dumbasstic terrorist.

    Dump All Republicans!

  13. Just Baby Diaper Dumper having his usual tantrum .

  14. Jane & PKM:
    “Cheyenne doesn’t accept authentication via Twitter”
    The tragedy is that before f**king trump, no other aspect of official public discourse did either.
    Apparently those were the Salad Days.

  15. charles phillips says:

    I’m voting this november the straight D ticket, even those who pick their noses.

    I’m also, because we can’t rely on winning back the WH, and because we can’t rely on Mitch to do his job, investing heavily in the campaigns of dem senate contenders.

  16. didn’t his flatulence say that when in office that he would be working so hard that he wouldn’t have time to play golf?????

  17. Remember when we had the best medical system in the world? What are those people saying now?

  18. I don’t imagine this idea was original with him. Does he have such things?

    I’ve been checking out how FOX is handling the fall of their anointed king and THEY have been blaming WHO for a while now.

  19. joel hanes says:

    “Incompetence” is far too kind a take on Trump.

    Yes, he is incompetent. But.

    If he were attempting to take responsibility for the national good, but failing, that would be mere incompetence.
    If he were attempting to manage an effective response, but did not have the skills to to that successfully, that would be mere incompetence.

    But that’s not what Trump has done.

    He has openly denied that he himself bears any responsibility for the good of the nation.

    At every turn, he has sought to use the pandemic to get revenge on those who pay insufficient fealty to His Orangeness.

    At every turn, he has sought to use the pandemic as cover for grifting opportunities, sought ways to enrich his allies, and ultimately himself. He has deliberately enabled profiteering.

    He has done these things even though the predictable cost to the nation has been tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, and the worst economic destruction since the Great Depression. His advisers warned him of those consequences.

    This is not incompetence.
    This is pathological malevolence.
    This is depraved indifference to human life.

  20. Trump’s revenge hate is slipping. We know who really is to blame for this.

    Thanks Obama

  21. thatotherjean says:

    What we have left is the power to end all this. Vote a straight Democratic ticket, wherever, however, you’re voting in November. Dump the Republicans responsible for this mess; take back the Senate; keep the House, and replace Donnie the Dotard with Joe Biden, so we can start fixing all the things that have been broken over the last four years. It will be a hard fight, with lies, voter suppression, and misinformation campaigns to counter–but we have to win this. VOTE BLUE!

  22. The WHO is funded by Congress for the rest of the year, and if we work our *’s off it won’t be an issue next year. We have to maintain the House who appropriates funds, and change the senate where ideas go to die.
