One of our readers suggested this piece in the Washington Post yesterday, and it’s a good one. Entitled What’s so wrong with motherf—er?, writer Molly Roberts points out the silliness of the Republicans’ outrage over freshman member of Congress Rashida Tlaib’s use of the word during remarks at a private celebration the evening of her swearing in. I don’t know if Tlaib is involved, but a movement started very early on in Trump’s term called ITMFA, or Impeach the MotherF—er Already, has nationally grown in strength as he has assaulted everything that is decent about our country. The organization’s logo is this, and seen regularly at gatherings of progressives and never-Trumpers:

When the video of Tlaib surfaced yesterday, the rightwing noise machine went into Full Snowflake, suddenly regaining its sense of hearing after years of total deafness to Trump’s continuous stream of childish insults and profanity. Not only were they shocked, shocked, I tell you over the notion of even mentioning the word impeachment, they were really shocked that Tlaib would use the word mother—er to describe him. Many Americans, including me, regularly use this descriptor for Trump.
When I heard serial liar Kevin McCarthy feigning insult over the incident yesterday, I actually burst out laughing. Being one of the leading Invertebrates in Congress who have dismissed concerns over Trump’s actual conduct, it’s hilarious that now he’s worried about decorum. Here’s my position of this issue – First, anyone who still supports His Orangeness has forfeited any right to be insulted by profanity and lack of decorum for life. Second, the Dems need to stop worrying about motivating his base of angry, old white people. They can’t get any more angry since they are teeth gnashing, drooling, pissed off 24/7 fed a red meat diet of Fox Noise bullshit in a continuous stream. Third, I agree with Roberts that suburban middle of the roaders are not going to base their votes on some bad word uttered by a freshman Dem at a private event, but on Trump’s actual record of ripping children from their parents and caging them in “tender age” detention facilities. It insults the intelligence of those suburbanites for Dems to be so fearful of backlash over an insult that doesn’t even approach Trump’s egregious and illegal behavior.
Lastly, I also agree with this:
“‘Motherf—er,’ in short, is about civility. ‘Shithole countries’ is about character. Democrats who conflate the two weaken themselves. They minimize the abuses of the Trump administration, and they invite the president to go on committing them without expecting anything more than an anemic reprimand. Democrats, he understands, won’t ever really fight back.”
It’s long past time to start fighting back, Dems. The real snowflakes are on the OTHER side.