Poll: 62% Believe Trump is a Liar

December 16, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Russians, Trump

It’s just getting worse for Trump.  As his Trumpist base calcifies into fact-free paralysis, normal Americans have grown weary of the reality show that has played 24/7 since His Orangeness rode down the escalator at Individual 1 Tower alongside his third wife, the nude model from Slovenia.  Are we finally reaching the point where America has had enough of this train wreck?  Perhaps.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 62% of respondents believe that Trump is not telling the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 elections.  Additionally, they also want congressional Dems to take control to correct the course our country is taking.  Only 10% believe Trump got the message in the 2018 election, and 56% believe the US is on the wrong track.

We’re finally seeing cracks in Trump’s big beautiful wall of bullshit.  While his base remains sycophantic, normal people are turning against him.  This presidency will end badly, and insiders acknowledge that, besides all of Trump’s bloviating and bluster, he now fears impeachment.


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0 Comments to “Poll: 62% Believe Trump is a Liar”

  1. Good news, I guess.

    However you will probably note that if you polled the portion of the 62% that changed their minds about Trump I would be that you would discover than 9 out of 10 of them think all opposition party politicians (in other words Democrats) are “just as bad. they all lie.”

    So the endless smear jobs and ratf**king spewing out of right wing media has done its job. It isn’t about saving Trump as much as it is that when the low-information voter gets to the polling station they will think “well since all politicians lie I might as well vote for the one whose policies I like.”

    And from there the xenophobia, racism, tribalism, and plain stupidity take over.

  2. Takes object, and lets go.


    The chance of Cheatolini not being a liar is the same as revocation of the Law of Gravity…

  3. Sounds like we need to start up the “Suckers for Trump” campaign: lollipops with MAGA hats…

    The real problem is the North Korean-style closed information system. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, and lots of further deregulation, we’re back to the days of Yellow Journalism.

  4. RepubAnon @3,

    TV media like Faux Noose has been doing this for the last thirty years. Their gullible audience have become utter idiots who can no longer see the blatant lies and charlatanism of this POS in the WH. And they voted for him. I’m surprised that the poll was not more than 62%. That means a third or more still approve of Rump. smh..

    We are entrusted with the solemn right and duty as citizens to make informed decisions when we elect the leaders of our country.

    VOTE these criminals out!

  5. The cognitive disconnect is approaching a Grand Canyon size psychotic break. 38% is a scary number. Leap of the chasm this week “big beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it” to “if I don’t get the money from Congress, I’ll be proud to shut down the government.” What a bunch of ***king morons following the ***king moron. Will it take Speaker Pelosi lobotomizing each and every one of them with a stiletto heel before they make the connection to Congress-government-taxpayer funding to—–>Mexico ain’t paying for the ***king wall?

    Meanwhile children are dying, children are being kidnapped and held indefinitely in our once “good” name. If they can’t see the moral cost, then why not the fiscal cost of this atrocity? Optics, Donnie preens to optics. But damn the images of numbers being written on human flesh was a revolting flash back to a different time and country, but here and now? Outrageous doesn’t begin to …

  6. In generations to come I thoroughly hope there will be a solid block of people who will look back at the Trump years and be absolutely mind boggled as to how that happened. All I could say to them is dammit don’t let it happen again!

  7. Sure, 62% believe Trump’s a liar.
    What about those of us who KNOW Trump’s a liar?

  8. They hear it in their churches too, and the more chaos the sooner comes the rapture. I wish they’d just rapture away and leave the planet to us.

  9. I fear/suspect this 62% consists of the same 62% that come out against the sitting president on each of these polls. Which leaves his 38% “base” of “xenophobic, racist, tribalistic, and plain stupid” Zombies supporting him in everything he does.

    As Jim Stafford wrote foreshadowing the sitting president,
    “From the bad lands came the killer
    He lived by the knife and the gun
    He’d cut you just for standing
    And shoot ya if ya tried to run
    He was big as a tree and did as he pleased
    And everything he did was bad
    And they said if you was to kill him
    It’d only make him mad”

  10. Now, the question is “What the hell is wrong with the 38% left that they can’t recognize a transparent, constant liar?”

  11. Just wanted to say thanks, El Jefe, for filling the long, lonely weekend of no JJ with your comments.

  12. I’m more interested in how many think he’s a liar and don’t care.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    I heard a disclaimer about that 62% – that the majority of respondents are democratic or independent. That begs the question of the political persuasion of the other 34 percent … that there are some democrats lurking out there who actually give Trump credibility points.

    In other news, the Oxford dictionary says “Toxic” is the main word in 2018, and Merriam Webster claims it’s “Justice” … both are wrong: it’s “impeach”.

  14. I have no real proof of this statement, but: I believe that about 1/3 of the country is made up of racists. Not people who are afraid of the scary people talked about on Faux Corp, but the approximately 1/3 of voters who voted *for* Hair Furor to elect him in 2018 (as opposed to voting against Clinton). And now the 38% who say they still believe him.

    Again, I have no proof, but it seems to me the most consistent believable refrain of Cheatolini’s campaign and administration is that brown people must be kept in their place. And he wants us to believe that (the Wall) at *any* cost…

  15. It hit me in the middle of the night – I think I know why and how so many people ended up voting for tRump. They don’t read, as in books. If you ask them what was the most wasteful course in high school, 10 to one they would say history. Or social studies or whatever it was called at that time. It meant reading what other people did and when and how and why and quite frankly that just didn’t translate into a currency they could use. Now the most HATED class was probably any sort of math, followed by English because that course insisted on parsing verbs etc. They carried this antipathy towards history into an all out reject of actually REALLY READING. You know, the kind that causes a body to think? Consequently when talking heads like Fake Noose tell them something that is what they do, most likely without realizing it. We have to face it. The functional illiterates outnumber the literates. Pick a congress critter, ask him a question and see how lucid and literate an answer you get – not that it is right or wrong – just comprehensible. Very few would be able to truly and respectfully enlighten anyone.

  16. @maggie #15:
    The interesting folks over at the fivethirtyeight blog have come out with a new 2018 analysis:
    “America’s Electoral Map Is Changing” ^
    Amongst many interesting trends, whiter less educated districts are getting redder. So your premise is supported insofar as aggregate less collegiate “pollution” in majority white districts…

  17. Micr @ 9 –

    Is that from “Cow Patty”?
