Eat Up with Stupid

January 23, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Insurrection, Trump

I burst out laughing at this one, and thought you might enjoy it, too.  Bryan Betancur, a self professed white supremacist and member of the Proud Boys, was arrested by the FBI for his role in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6th.   That’s not news, since a lot of white supremacists have been arrested for their role in the attack where 5 people died and scores injured.  The news is how Betancur was tracked down…he was wearing an ankle monitor stemming from a conviction for burglary.  That’s right folks, this genius participated in insurrection against the federal government while on probation for a felony conviction.  Sheesh.

It gets even better – he’s from Silver Spring Maryland and lied to his probation officer that he was going to DC to…wait for it…pass out Gideon Bibles.  He’s been tracked to the Trump rally at the Ellipse just south of the White House to the Capitol with the rest of the criminals.  He’s now in FBI custody for not only his role in the attack, but also for violating his probation by lying to his probation officer and his continued participation in several white supremacist organizations.

White supremacists, like gun-nuts, are generally not known for their intelligence, but this guy takes the cake.  If stupidity was a violin, this guy would be the Stradivarius of stupidity.

Pro Publica Just Published an Archive of Over 500 Videos of the Attack on the Capitol

January 17, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alt-Right Racists, Fascism, Impeachment, Insurrection, Sedition

Today, Pro Publica published an amazing archive of over 500 videos of the attack on the Capitol posted to Parler by the insurrectionists who horrified all normal people on January 6th.  They are in sequential order and cover the time from noon until 6pm Eastern time.

The level of violence can disturb some, so be warned and cautious sharing this around.  This is significant work and preserves for all time how Americans attacked Americans because they didn’t like the result of a free and fair election and followed a profoundly corrupt man to the Capitol and now to jail for a long time.

Oathkeepers Filing into the Capitol

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

There are internet sleuths working to identify the insurrectionists who attacked to Capitol last Wednesday.  Here is a video of a paramilitary team of Oathkeepers moving as a unit up the steps on the east side of the Capitol building.  If you can identify any of these terrorists, please contact @jsrailton through Twitter.