
November 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump managed to control himself during Wednesday’s testimony but holy crap on a cracker let a woman testify and he goes to Nutsville faster than a double geared jackrabbit.

While she is testifying, let me say that again, while she is freeking testifying before congress under oath, Mr. Bone Spurs Chickencrap started personally attacking her on Twitter.



It’s the first time I’ve seen witness intimidation while the witness was testifying since I saw Godfather II.



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0 Comments to “Sumbitch”

  1. Even Fox says it.
    Bret Baier, Chief Political Anchor at Fox News:
    “That was a turning point in this hearing so far. She was already a sympathetic witness & the President’s tweet ripping her allowed Schiff to point it out real time characterizing it as witness tampering or intimidation -adding an article of impeachment real-time.”

  2. Christine Blasey Ford Redux. – Yovanovich Smeared AS she was testifying .”She’s going to go through some things.” –

    MISOGYNOTUS and SON and Secretary of State and Dolt’s personal attorney, and State Dept.

    Facilitated by corrupt Oligarchs

  3. Respectfully I disagree that he was able to control himself on Wednesday. He was entertaining a despot in the WH and condemning all that was going on. That little tweet is nothing new and totally not out of character. Having Erdogan in the WH clearly shows just exactly who and what this POS traitor is.

  4. THIS should matter. When are Trump’s tweet going to legally matter?

  5. May the women lead! IQ4.5 and the miscreants surrounding him deserve a chorus or two of Catherine Zeta Jones’ Cell Block Tango.

  6. PBS saying Monster’s still tweeting BS right now – trying to mitigate his venomous attacks.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Well, this should make the PM interview interesting! And now Trumps associate Roger has been convicted. When all these people quit smiling, we’ll know they know they’ve been covered in a deep pile!

  8. heh heh Roger Stone may finally be out of sight!

  9. Another one bites the dust.

    Roger Stone was just found guilty by a federal jury of lying to lawmakers and witness tampering re: Wikileaks dump of cables of foreign service employees. He faces up to 50 years in prison.

    Source: PBS

  10. I can’t wait for the Intelligence witnesses to testify next week (?). That oughta be a hoot

    All this is making me wonder if the Orange Moron won’t permanently (until extradited by NY) relocate to Florida before Christmas.

    Once pRick Perry, et al. realize just how many Trumpsters are in, or headed for, the slammer, they might start singing.

  11. “Can you tell me what you know?”
    “Follow the Tweets.”

  12. austinhatlady says:

    Jane & PKM
    Thanks for reminder of the Cell Block Tango! Going to watch it a few more times.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    His tweets are already considered official record; so now he’s got documented witness intimidation.

    Go, Shiff, Go.

  14. If this were baseball and the pitcher deliberately kept aiming at the batter’s head, it wouldn’t be unusual for the batter to race out to the mound and neutralize the pitcher. He/she would most likely be thrown out of the game, but hey, when one’s head is in the way a deliberately thrown missive, no matter what the he’s owner does to duck it, clocking the pitcher has a reasonable side to it.

  15. “Everywhere She Went Turned Bad,” Says Man with Six Bankruptcies.

    “She started off in Somalia, how did that go?” tweeted the man, who paid twenty-five million dollars to settle fraud charges against a fake university bearing his name.

    By Andy Borowitz

  16. Suzanne Melton says:

    FTT: Did y’all catch that Amb. Yovanovitch was Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan from 2005 – 2008?

    Remember who was working for Russian oligarchs to force the US military to close down their [air base] in Kyrgyzstan starting in 2005?

    Trump’s former campaign advisor, Paul Manafort.
