Oh No, Ohio

November 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ohio has made a decision that wrong is right.

The Ohio House on Wednesday passed the “Student Religious Liberties Act.” Under the law, students can’t be penalized if their work is scientifically wrong as long as the reasoning is because of their religious beliefs.

Instead, students are graded on substance and relevance.

So, I hear there is an opening at the Know Nothing Temple for a Priestess Extraordinaire to teach How To Pass Science With Caca del Toro.  Sounds like a fun gig.

Next will be teachers being allowed to teach in accordance with their religious beliefs. Science books replaced Bibles.

I did not see that the new law requires that Christian answers are allowed.  So I guess any old cult will do.

Thanks to Bruce for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh No, Ohio”

  1. Joseph Capozzoli says:

    Does that include various other religious beliefs, Islam, Satanists, etc?

  2. You know what’s coming, don’t you? When straight-A high school graduates from Ohio are rejected by major universities because their diplomas are worthless it will be the liberals fault.

  3. I wonder if this works for math, too. I never was any good at algebra.

  4. No wrong answers in science classes! Fine. But all their diplomas must state: “he or she was a Republicon participation trophy religious wingnut.” Especially if they become doctors or teachers. Patients and parents have a right to know.

  5. I think I’ll spell it OIHO from now on.
    The substance of all four letters contained in the word is omnipresent.
    As is the relevance of their state house.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Well, science was always my worst subject. However philosophy and experience have trained me well in logic. I’m guessing it’s going to be hard for OH college students to get a good job in any field requiring a science background!

  7. Did they have algebra during the period the Bible was written?

    How about convincing a college admissions office that dinosaurs were demons?


  8. As Alan says except for a job…where is your high school diploma …Oh Ohio…OK we will consider and & get back to you…NOT!!!

  9. Ummmmm…how can students be graded on substance if stuff is wrong? Is “error” substance??

    Am I missing the “logic” here??

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    My faith teaches that the Ohio House of Representatives is dumber than a drawer full of socks. Prove I’m wrong.

  11. van heldorf says:

    I have a background in science and history. IMO, the laws of nature, which have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, but never invalidated/God – I’m comfortable with either – are being, in effect, overruled. With the exception of those who voted for this knowing full well the efficacy of these laws that will personally enrich themselves, it would be interesting to know the real reasoning of the others. I suspect that the origins go back a while; in fact, there is nothing new here that hasn’t been repeated “deja vu all over again”/Yogi thruout history. If this is so, why?

  12. dobleremolque says:

    So the Hindu student is adamant in the face of efforts to teach about the solar system: sun, planets in orbits around the sun, Milky Way galaxy, interstellar space, other galaxies…

    “No professor,” he says, “the earth rides on the back of a giant cosmic turtle.”.

    “And what is THAT turtle on?” demands the professor.

    “Another larger cosmic turtle,” the student replies without hesitation.

    “And that tur….??.”

    The student interrupts: “It’s no use professor; it’s turtles all the way down.”

  13. … it’s turtles all the way down.”

    We have a similar mythology in the U.S.
    Except the turtle is all the way up.
    In the Senate.

  14. Anyone want to bet this is headed for the Supremes?

  15. Aggieland Liz says:

    Re: van heldorf @12
    Yeah, the double dipped screaming irony in all this BS is that the morons will then start yodeling that God IS Truth while denying 80% of the verified and measurable facts that come their way. You just can’t make this crap up, sigh.

  16. Gee I wonder how this will affect those reviewing admission applications for colleges and advanced study?
    Does this apply to any colleges/universities in ohio as well?
    How about SAT tests willl science sections have to be graded separately for each individual based upon cult beliefs?
    Sounds like Ohio is jealous of Mississippi and Alabama educational aichevements and wish to win the race for the bottom even with the head start that the traitor states have.
    Guess michigan comes out the winner in this rivalry.

  17. So, saying the Earth is flat will get an A?

    Smart teachers will simply start their questions with:”According to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution…” This tests the student’s knowledge of the theory, not whether the student believes it.

    On a side note: isn’t Al Gebra some kind of terrorist group? I know it puts many in fear…

  18. Wonder if this law encompasses private “charter” schools or other schools recognized by the state.
    Wonder if a child who was forced into a whack job school who is marked down on a test in say geology by acknowleging that certain rocks are over x million number of years old and that the imprint of a past creature fossil shows evideence of evolution and is downgraded for an “incorrect” answer by cult leaders of a school?
    Checked and this law only apply’s to primary and secondary schools at this time.So i guess that Ohio state is still a legitimate school attached to a football team.

  19. The Flying Spaghetti Monster will now get the respect deserved.
    Also, Bill, Algebra is an Arabic word. First algebra then Sharia Law.

  20. I’d definitely be encouraging my kid to answer all questions based on Pastafarianism doctrine.

  21. First they came for my vaccines. And GOPs said nothing.

    Next they came for my Science curriculum. And GOPs said nothing.

    When they finally came for my understanding of reality, they answered MAGA…

  22. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Thank you Wally and Jim…that’s exactly where my brain went with this nonsense.

    Glad it doesn’t apply to universities…yet. A cousin of mine is studying science in one of them on his way to becoming a PT and I certainly don’t want any of his stray fundamentalism impacting his patients.

  23. Well I’m a scientist and I don’t believe in Ohio.

  24. WA Skeptic says:

    Where were these guys when I failed Pre-Calc six times????

  25. @Mary Beth #24:


  26. So, then, if a student, on, say, a science test, spews mountains of religious tripe, instead of, say, science, then that is both irrelevant and substance free.
