Starting to Piss Me Off

September 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This week, both Miss Lindsey and Turtle Mitch have made a big damn deal over the idea that they are men of such honor and courage that they would never “ruin a man’s life” by rejecting him from a lifetime seat on the Supreme Damn Court for no good reason.

Please allow me to introduce them to Merrick Garland.


Let me ask another question. How damn impartial can a Supreme Court nominee be when he goes on Fox News – Fox News of all possible new outlets – to defend himself?

He worked on the Ken Starr investigation, and there’s a guy with a real sex problem, and then for George Dubya, who ought to be prison right now, and then he runs to Fox News to make himself the victim.  Yeah, we can trust this guy to be fair and impartial.


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