Starting to Piss Me Off

September 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This week, both Miss Lindsey and Turtle Mitch have made a big damn deal over the idea that they are men of such honor and courage that they would never “ruin a man’s life” by rejecting him from a lifetime seat on the Supreme Damn Court for no good reason.

Please allow me to introduce them to Merrick Garland.


Let me ask another question. How damn impartial can a Supreme Court nominee be when he goes on Fox News – Fox News of all possible new outlets – to defend himself?

He worked on the Ken Starr investigation, and there’s a guy with a real sex problem, and then for George Dubya, who ought to be prison right now, and then he runs to Fox News to make himself the victim.  Yeah, we can trust this guy to be fair and impartial.


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0 Comments to “Starting to Piss Me Off”

  1. FOX news aside, Kaveman can never remain impartial in the cases brought before him involving Trump. The White House has been prepping him for weeks, which smells to high heaven.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    Fair? Impartial? Trump wants him on the Supreme Court precisely because he is neither of those things. He wants Kavanaugh because he’s sure Kavanaugh will rule in his favor when matters of presidential susceptibility to investigation/punishment arise–which, with this president, they are (I hope) bound to do.

  3. Sam in St Paul says:

    Kevin Spacey looks at Lindsey Graham and thinks, “What a bitch.”

  4. Dan Up North says:

    I didn’t realize that NOT getting picked for the Supreme Court ruined one’s life. I thought my life was pretty good. Now I’m going to have to reconsider.

  5. Kav amply demonstrated his feminist bona fides by his behavior toward his wife in the Fox interview. She was asked a direct question about an FBI investigation and he simply jumped in with his over-rehearsed talking points. Always so respectful to women, eh?

  6. Trump must have slipped Miss Lindsey and Turtle Mitch a roofie to get them to speak so incoherently. Why won’t they stand up to him? Maybe they can’t?

    Merrick Garland must wonder if he’s hearing correctly, every time he walks into a room with a cable news channel turned on.

  7. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’m telling you people, the RNC was also hacked, and to pararphrase, “nothing appears to have been taken.”

    I think Putin knows where ALL the bodies are buried, ergo, Miss Lindsey and Turtle Mitch remain “loyal” to tRump.

  8. During this Kavanaughty time, for once, Ms Lindsey has p!ssed me off significantly less than the Kentucky Turtle. I knew McTurtle had personality issues, but who knew arrogance was one? “In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be on the U.S. Supreme Court.”

  9. Earlier today, Sarah Huckster Sanders had this to say when questioned on ABC’s GMA by George S. (IIRC) about the Kavnaugh nomination running into some flack:

    “The president wants this process to come to a vote because that’s what’s supposed to happen. In every single one of these instances where someone is nominated, they go before, they have a hearing, and then the senators vote on it.”

    (cough cough hack hack… Merrick Garland…
    urk, I’m going to have to get out my little wrist BP reader and start checking to see how high my BP shoots up with this non-stop bullshit. May have to quit trying to keep up with these firehoses of mendacity.)

  10. Fox? He went to Fox for his public agony appearance? Stop, Gotta stop now. Roll not he floor laughing.

  11. Now, Maggie, come on ! You know there are no sexual prediters on FOX!

    Reason, they have been fired!
    Right, Loofah Bill?

  12. Marjorie Wood says:

    I need a ham and cheese sandwich and maybe some potato chips when nobody’s looking. All this gossip party is done made me hoonnggrryyyy. Or hungry, if you prefer.
