Smartmatic’s Mic Drop at the BEGINNING of the Lawsuit

February 04, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Giuliani, Lie, Trump

As Ted Liu put it today, this is the best opening paragraph ever for a lawsuit:

1. The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.

2. Defendants have always known these facts. They knew Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 U.S. election. They knew the election was not stolen. They knew the election was not rigged or fixed. They knew these truths just as they knew the Earth is round and two plus two equals four.

3. Defendants did not want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to win the election. They wanted President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence to win re-election. Defendants were disappointed. But they also saw an opportunity to capitalize on President Trump’s popularity by inventing a story. Defendants decided to tell people that the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence.

These are the opening paragraphs of Smartmatic v. Fox News et al. (The et als include Rudy, Powell, Marie Baritaromo, Lou Dobbs, and Jenine Pirro), who are now all throwing up in their bathrooms since the suit is for a cool $2.7 BILLION for defamation.  AND, since all their defamation was on national television, it’s going to be a really tough road for the defendants, no matter their bluster and bluffing now.  This pleading is almost 3oo pages, and reads like a crime novel.  Here are more juicy tidbits:

9.  Millions of individuals who saw and read Defendants’ reports believed them to be true. Smartmatic and its officers began to receive hate mail and death threats. Smartmatic’s clients and potential clients began to panic. The company’s reputation for providing transparent, auditable, and secure election technology and software was irreparably harmed. Overnight, Smartmatic went from an under-the-radar election technology and software company with a track record of success to the villain in Defendants’ disinformation campaign.

11. The story, of course, did more than just make Defendants’ money and jeopardize Smartmatic’s survival. The story undermined people’s belief in democracy. The story turned neighbor against neighbor. The story led a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol. Defendants started a fire for selfish and financial reasons and they cared not the damage their story caused to Smartmatic, its officers and employees, and the country.

This one is going to be good.  And, with any luck, will end the careers of more than a few of these cretins.

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