Pillow Fight!

February 04, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, this is cool.

March for Our Lives co-founder David Hogg tweeted on Thursday that he and software developer William LeGate are launching a pillow company to compete against MyPillow, which is led by Trump supporter CEO Mike Lindell.

Here, take my money.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Pillow Fight!”

  1. john in denver says:

    I hope they can be up and running soon. I understand that some retail outlets will have a bit of shelf space for pillows in the very near future.

  2. So that’s why he was asking what you don’t like about your current pillow on Twitter. My answer was the fact that it’s old and wearing out, and I will probably have a hard time finding another one that I like.

  3. I hope they have a version filled with shredded money from Trump’s PAC. The soft money, fleeced from his own featherbrained, soft headed flock would be unbelievably comfortable.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Um. . .the pillow I saw in a photo of David Hogg on Twitter, which I presume is the pillow they’re planning to sell, is phallus-shaped and rainbow-striped. It would certainly be a conversation starter, but I’m not all that sure it would be as comfortable to sleep on as the regular, rectangular version.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    Drat! There’s no edit button here!

    I should add: Of course, that may well have been photo-shopped. I have weird friends.

  6. Give it the brand name NotHisPillow.

  7. J P Bowater says:

    Will Mr Lindell do a *Trumpy* – have a tantrum ?

  8. The Qanon congresscreature is about to hold a national press conference. It’ll be covered as much as trump was in his early first campaign because she’s just as outrageous and sells herself as the lead fighter in the maga cause (urp*).
    She’s unofficially testing the waters for her 2024 presidential run. (double urp).
    * Throwing up a little in ones mouth.

  9. Well, only fox carried it live. That woman is repugnantly effective. IMHO, she’s got a good shot at being twice as popular as trump with their base, whatever she chooses to do.

  10. YAYAYAYAY!!!
    As it turns out, I’ve been needing 1 or 2 new pillows for a while now but have been putting off buying them. Now I have a reason to drag my feet. Wonder how long it will be before they’re up and running.

  11. There’s already a progressive alternative, OneFreshPillow. Their Twitter timeline has been actively reacting to MyPillow.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Pillow brain lindell’s 3 hour OAN preesentation of his and trumpf’s voter fraud evidence should be very helpful in Dominion’s lawsuit. I know he’s expecting an Emmy when what he needs is an enema which can be administered either through the big hole in his head or between his legs. Either will result in the same crap.

  13. We’ll buy 3 now & 3 more every 3 months for the rest of the year.
