She Destroyed the Susan G Komen Foundation, Now She’s Working on the Senate
Okay, Folks and Folkettes, we have a collision of major forces here where nothing is going to turn out good.
Remember how Saxby Chambliss thumbed his nose at Grover Norquist, which is only news because Chambliss generally only thumbs his nose at things that are good, holy, or respectful.
Well, Grover strikes back. Now, I want you to read that sentence again. Problem #1: It’s real hard to take that seriously. I mean, “Grover is gonna get you!” ain’t a warning that would send me scampering for the shotgun or under my bed.
Problem #2: Grover’s weapon is that crazy woman who destroyed the Susan G Komen Foundation by taking on Planned Parenthood. Yes, Karen Handel is considering a run against Chambliss in the GOP primary. Her only talent appears to be hacking people off. But, she’s loud at it, which I suppose is almost as handy at being good at it.
So, we may end up with Saxby Chambliss, a man with no shame, running against Karen Handel, a woman with even less.
Problem #3: One of them has to win.
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.