She Destroyed the Susan G Komen Foundation, Now She’s Working on the Senate

November 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Folks and Folkettes, we have a collision  of major forces here where nothing is going to turn out good.

Remember how Saxby Chambliss thumbed his nose at Grover Norquist, which is only news because Chambliss generally only thumbs his nose at things that are good, holy, or respectful.

Well, Grover strikes back.  Now, I want you to read that sentence again.  Problem #1:  It’s real hard to take that seriously.  I mean, “Grover is gonna get you!” ain’t a warning that would send me scampering for the shotgun or under my bed.

Problem #2:  Grover’s weapon is that crazy woman who destroyed the Susan G Komen Foundation by taking on Planned Parenthood.   Yes, Karen Handel is considering a run against Chambliss in the GOP primary.  Her only talent appears to be hacking people off.  But, she’s loud at it, which I suppose is almost as handy at being good at it.

So, we may end up with Saxby Chambliss, a man with no shame, running against Karen Handel, a woman with even less.

Problem #3:  One of them has to win.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “She Destroyed the Susan G Komen Foundation, Now She’s Working on the Senate”

  1. “One of them has to win.”
    Eeeewwwwww . . . . .

  2. TexasEllen says:

    There must be a sane, reasonable Democrat to have waiting in the wings to take on the winner of this Republican fiasco.
    Both of these people are shameless (remember Chamblis vs Max Cleland?) and are likely to leave blood, gore, and ligaments all over the ground at the end of their primary.

  3. Save your confederate money boys….

    What’s it going to take to get these folks into the 19th century?

    Never mind the 21st.


  4. I’m with TexasEllen. Let them out Tea-Party and slime each other in the primary and have a decent and reasonable Dem with a spine pick off the winner in the general election.

    What’s not to like? I guess I’m assuming there are some such Dems in Georgia.

  5. I’m with TexasEllen (though I live in Maryland). At some point these Publicans have to get so sleazy and crazy that the Dems can overcome them… can’t they? Especially after a real ugly primary.

  6. This woman’s opinion and record were well known when Nancy Brinker hired her. I’m thinking Ms. Brinker was surprised at the backlash.

    Nancy Brinker was also the Protocol person in charge of Blair House when the Obama’s request to move in early in order for the girls to go to school was refused. So much for scheduling conflicts. Blair House is not little. Reagan moved in on Jan. 1. when he was inaugurated.

  7. I read a commentary yesterday that suggested we call Grover Norquist’s pledge what it really is; a Pledge to cut Medicare, a Pledge to cut Social Security, a Pledge to cut student loans:

  8. In addition to a real Dem to run, GA need a true ultramontane Teabagger or someone willing to play one, to shred any part of these two that they may overlook.

  9. The best news is that she is the *former* Komen exec, and SGK is apparently doing what it can to move past her idiotic views; they decided to keep funding Planned Parenthood despite her, which was followed shortly thereafter by her resignation (thank goodness).

    But we still have a long way to go to educate women about how wrong her thinking is….

  10. TexasEllen says:

    Anyone from Georgia post here? I’d love to send a little early money to the Dem prospect for that Senate seat. I still just seethe over Chamblis vs Cleland and Handle vs all women. Be an honor to help Georgia find a real champion.

  11. Okay, so Karen Handel outplays Chambliss in the Georgia primary. Given her record on restricting women’s right to choose, how do you figure she’ll go over with Georgia women voters in the general election? Georgia is rapidly becoming a swing state. If Handel wins the nomination, voters are likely to regard her as another Akin or Mourdock. And the Republicans will have taken one more step toward self-destruction.

  12. In Georgia, except for absentee ballots, voting is done on Diebold machines with no paper trail at all, and no machine examination allowed by the Diebold corporation, which controls our votes—oops! meant to say—controls our voting machines. :-{

    Don’t know who will run for Senate on Democratic ticket. To win, a candidate would need good name recognition and respect all over the state, which is the largest in area east of the Mississippi.

  13. If Handel adds “personhood” to her position on abortion, a Democrat should be able to beat her. Remember personhood didn’t even pass in Mississippi.
