See, This makes Me Crazy
I see headlines like this in my local newspaper …
… and little spittle things start to form in the corners of my mouth.
I dunno. I think I have the opposite of whatever QAnon is. I don’t trust the Shallow State. I mean, you couldn’t call anything Trump thinks up “deep,” and Trump clearly thought up the new CDC. He pushed out anybody with even a junior high knowledge of science or anyone who rolled their eyes when he suggested injecting yourself with Barkeeper’s Friend or some damn thing. Little known fact: That’s why Dr Deborah Brix always wore a Hermès scarf, so you couldn’t see her gulping when Trump dispensed medical advice.
I just have a nagging thought that the week before election Trump is going to announce they have a vaccine and it will be ready the day after election. However, Lex Luthor has it locked in a lab in Omaha, Nebraska, and Trump’s the only person with Superman’s phone number. Trump swears he will release his own tax returns and Superman’s phone number if he wins the election. That’s the Shallow State. That’s where we live now.
Okay, when Dr. Fauci tells me to go get a shot, I’m rolling up my sleeve. When he says a vaccine is on the way, I’m putting on my shoes. But, I ain’t dancing around beating the soup spoon on the bottom of the kettle until Dr. Fauci tells me to.
Guys, I’m considering a group called Ythehell? It’s like QAnon except people are willing to use their names and we will claim things you can prove. And think about this, maybe the Deep State was what made government work.
Whatever it was, it ain’t working worth flip now.