See, This makes Me Crazy

September 03, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I see headlines like this in my local newspaper



… and little spittle things start to form in the corners of my mouth.

I dunno.  I think I have the opposite of whatever QAnon is.  I don’t trust the Shallow State.  I mean, you couldn’t call anything Trump thinks up “deep,” and Trump clearly thought up the new CDC.  He pushed out anybody with even a junior high knowledge of science or anyone who rolled their eyes when he suggested injecting yourself with Barkeeper’s Friend or some damn thing.  Little known fact: That’s why Dr Deborah Brix always wore a Hermès scarf, so you couldn’t see her gulping when Trump dispensed medical advice.

I just have a nagging thought that the week before election Trump is going to announce they have a vaccine and it will be ready the day after election.  However, Lex Luthor has it locked in a lab in Omaha, Nebraska, and Trump’s the only person with Superman’s phone number. Trump swears he will release his own tax returns and Superman’s phone number if he wins the election.  That’s the Shallow State.  That’s where we live now.

Okay, when Dr. Fauci tells me to go get a shot, I’m rolling up my sleeve.  When he says a vaccine is on the way, I’m putting on my shoes. But, I ain’t dancing around beating the soup spoon on the bottom of the kettle until Dr. Fauci tells me to.

Guys, I’m considering a group called Ythehell?  It’s like QAnon except people are willing to use their names and we will claim things you can prove.  And think about this, maybe the Deep State was what made government work.

Whatever it was, it ain’t working worth flip now.



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0 Comments to “See, This makes Me Crazy”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    Yeah, I’m right there with you. If it hasn’t completed Phase 3 trials to prove that it’s safe and effective (more than 35%, please), I’m not taking any vaccine that Trump & Co. propose. They’re not trustworthy about anything else, so why should I believe them about a vaccine that very conveniently appears just before the November election? Stinks like a boatload of dead fish, that does.

  2. ANYONE in the trumpig rePUKEian administration says ANYTHING is a LIAR!!! As is ANYONE on FauxNews!!! So when I see VACCINE Ready I will need to see this from a number of NON_rePUKEian sources, then I will roll up sleeve and put on shoes!

  3. Brad in Dallas says:

    This is yet another instance where Trump (the Incredibly Dumb Fascist) is preparing the way for a future Smart Fascist. It’s so patently obvious when Trump takes over an agency, because their messaging goes from credible and expected to bizarre and clearly in the tank for The Twitter Toddler, overnight. A smarter fascist would have known to ease into messaging control gradually, and skillfully disguise their poison with a layer of normal.

  4. dave in austin says:

    Of all the stupid things this maladministration has done (and nobody has the time or patience to list them all), destroying confidence in the public health system has to rank as one of the worst.

    And off-topic, but Barkeepers Friend is the best. No, not for injecting, you scamps. For cleaning stuff.

  5. I’m feeling like a 6-year-old whose mom told me that Unca Bob is picking up my birthday cake and everything’s going be ready before the party guests get here. Really. Everything’s gonna be fine.
    Of course, Unca Bob is binged-out alcoholic on his good days. Other days, he’s a crack head.

    Remember all those organizations that were super-strong and would protect us from Trump? Things like the Justice Department and the FBI and the CDC and the Post Office? Yeah, I remember them, too. I remember mama [the press] assurring us they would take care of us and keep Trump from making the US a fascist state. Turns out, they’re all alcoholics who are bottoming out on crack, as well.

    I have a prediction — now let’s wait and see what happens:
    all those anti-vaxxers who are sartin shur that the whooping cough and polio vaccines are plots by the Deep State to give our kids autism or Alzheimer’s or some dam thing will be first in line to roll up their sleeves the week before election day.

    You know, the people who refuse to wear a mask because it’s all a hoax will fall in line on October 30th because Trump. And because it’s so much fun sticking it to the liberals.

  6. Trump has a long history of meaningless medical announcements. Below are just a few for his non-existent health care plan:

    July 19, 2020:
    Trump told Chris Wallace in a Fox News interview that a health care plan would be unveiled within two weeks: “We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan.”

    July 31:
    … a “very inclusive” health care plan was coming and “I’ll be signing it sometime very soon.”

    Aug. 3:
    … the health care plan would be introduced “hopefully, prior to the end of the month.”

  7. Brad in Dallas @ 3:
    Yes, well — Hitler was a super dumb fascist, too.
    As was Chicken Farmer Himmler and Make-Sure-the -Trains-Run-on Time Eichmann.
    Their Thousand Year Reich lasted less than a decade and the second half of that was spent losing WWII —- but only after winning it all during the first half.
    And how many dead people did they leave in their wake? I think it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 million.

    The only thing that particular gang that couldn’t shoot straight had going for them was a weak state that let them do whatever they wanted and told itself that trying to stop them would make things even worse.

    It turns out you don’t need to be competent to become a dictator.

    Sound familiar?

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Take us for fools again. The pandemic will go away magically soon. Then another 150,000+ die. Masks are worthless, real patriots don’t wear them. Hydroxychloroquine will protect you. Ingest bleach. Eat oleander flowers. Open schools no problem. Kids don’t get coronavirus or spread it. We need herd immunity, no problem, but old people will be protected by the coronavirus task force. The administration is doing better than any other country led by your favorite president. Oh and believe him, this has nothing to do with Election Day. He just really cares about you.
    And we know there are at least 37,000 fools in the cult. I’m with you twocrows – the antivaxxers for Trumpf will be right there at the head of the line. I’m going to let them be the guinea pigs while I vote to get rid of this efing president and his band of corrupt deplorables.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    The irony is, if a vaccine becomes available, Quack-a-Non, tRump supporters and the other generic anti-vaxxers, have already claimed they won’t partake. Meanwhile those of us who believe in vaccines aren’t absolutely positive about anything produced during this maladministration. If our doctor recommends it? Maybe a “you first, doc” might convince me.

    Thing is if and when a vaccine does becomes available without 50% or better participation, it won’t be as effective as it should be. The f cking moron could continue to fail the COVID-19 battle even after he leaves office.

  10. Yet another blatant attempt at voter coercion by tRump and the Rethuglikans. I’ve been waiting for this one, but the timing is just incredible, -November 1-, really??

    Watch for the ‘conditional approvals’ required to get a COVID19 shot, like proof of voting for Comrade Donnei…

    Plus, the odds on something massive going wrong with the rollout of an incompletely tested vaccine for a virulent viral disease in 100M+ people/guinea pigs just boggles the mind.

    On Dr. Fauci, I formerly had 100% confidence in him. I’ve been watching Dr. Fauci on teevee for more than thirty [30+] years, mostly on the PBS NewsHour, where he’s been the ‘go to’ health expert forever.
    Since Dr. Fauci associated himself with dR. tRump, I have slowly lost confidence in him. Fauci has been way too deferential towards Dear Leader, imo.

  11. Everything Trump touches turns to poop. I do not intend to inject his poop until it’s shown to be effective and safe.

  12. Ted @11,
    It’s an abbreviated acronym letter meme now, at least two of them:
    ETTD– Everything Trump Touches Dies

    ETTTTS– Everything Trump Touches Turns To Shit


  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As for trusting Dr Fauci, need someone we can trust. I choose him. He’s already poured cold water on the election day vaccine and herd immunity ideas from Trumpfs new task force quack. I lost all trust in Dr Birx as she caved and was basically looking out for herself. Dr Mr Atlas is a fricking BADDD joke and dangerous. I’m actually surprised Trumpfs main quack, Ronnie Johnsondickhead isn’t on the task force. I’m sure he already signed an NDA.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    It took ten years of trying to get a successful polio vaccine, why would anyone think that a C-19 virus vaccine could be concocted, really tested, and then mass manufactured this quickly? My doctor says wear a mask, wash your hands and stay away from crowds, which is good advice. When she tells me she’s had the vaccine, I’ll consider taking it.

  15. I trust anything anyone from the Trump administration says as much as I trusted my four year old brother when he brought me a sippy cup full of ice cold water—–when he couldn’t reach a sink or get in the fridge.

  16. van heldorf says:

    Sandridge @10, my understanding is that the main reasons Dr Fauci is still around is that he can’t be fired directly by trump but he has to be diplomatic to trump in opposing him as opposed to Dr Brix and still be around to get the proper message out. trump picked him because he is the leading authority on this disease and thought he could manipulate him as he has so many others who have seen their reps go down a non-gold outhouse commode.
    trump has tried to muzzle him but he gets his message out via other means.
    So, who would you suggest trump replace him with?

  17. van heldorf @16, I understand and partially agree with your opinion of Dr. Fauci.
    However, [likely] most of y’all have only become familiar with Fauci recently, and have possibly bestowed a saintly mantle upon him.
    I’ve observed him for near on –forty years– [he’s ~80y/o], he’s always tended to be a bit of a publicity-hound, so I’ve always been just a little cynical.
    He has walked a tightrope with tRump’s COVID45 panel, but imo, just a tad too cozily.
    Sure, he stands up a bit sometimes on the most egregious shit, but he’s been seen and tainted by merely associating with tRump too much.

    As far as tRump replacing him, IDGAS, I’m just waiting for Joe Biden to straighten the whole damned mess out, with or without Dr. Fauci.

  18. panthercityhorn says:

    (I mean, you couldn’t call anything Trump thinks up “deep,”)

    Just one example I can think of when it comes to deep thinking Donald-his deep thinking is as deep as what is left on the dirt in the Will Rogers Coliseum (now the Dickey’s Arena)after a two week Stock Show & Rodeo. Gotta give him credit for that bull$hit.

  19. charles phillips says:

    I think we need to ask where this vaccine is coming from before we let them stick in our arms. I’ve seen blurbs about Russian and Chinese efforts to get a vaccine first; they seem the closest.

    Would I let someone inject me with a Russian or Chinese approved and made vaccine? No.

  20. Why do I get the very distinct impression that whenever tRump opens his mouth now he is sweating invisible bricks? He is sounding an looking worse by the day.

  21. Dr. Birx has a bad crush on Trump. Sure, that seems irrational, but love gives no explanations.
