Science Made Easy
Oh my, my head got all congested watching the James Webb telescope this morning. Science is hard y’all. We are so blessed to have Herschel Walker make it easy for us.
Herschel Walker says America already has the cleanest air in the world, and if we put money into the Green New Deal, all of our good clean air will decide to float over to China’s bad air. And their bad air will float to America and we will have to clean it up again.
— KerrBear (@MPLSKerrBear) July 11, 2022
Also, there is no reason to clean your swimming pool. If you start with the shallow end, all the clean water will quickly float to the deep end and then you have to clean the shallow end again because now it’s filled with the deep end water and it’s like really tall.
These helpful tips were brought to you by the University of Georgia and football head injuries. Head injuries: they last a lifetime. Get you some!