Savannah Report
We have 20 kids stationed in Savannah. Glen grabs a few of them at a time and send us reports. This one was made especially for y’all.
Your donations are paying for living spaces at rented B&B’s in one area close together, where everybody has their own bedroom. They are feeding the kids two fresh, warm meals a day – breakfast and dinner – that they can pick up at the main house and take to their own place to cook. We give them money for fast food for lunch.
Thanks to your generosity, there are 17 kids and they are working with the Georgia Democratic Party. Part of them are being sent to Hinesville, a rural town outside of Savannah. Glen says it’s 50% black and the other 50% has confederate flags in their yards. The rest are teaching volunteers how to canvass using smart phones.
And yes, there are women in our group. I’ve requested videos of them.