Savannah Report

December 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have 20 kids stationed in Savannah.  Glen grabs a few of them at a time and send us reports. This one was made especially for y’all.

Your donations are paying for living spaces at rented B&B’s in one area close together, where everybody has their own bedroom. They are feeding the kids two fresh, warm meals a day – breakfast and dinner – that they can pick up at the main house and take to their own place to cook. We give them money for fast food for lunch.

Thanks to your generosity, there are 17 kids and they are working with the Georgia Democratic Party.  Part of them are being sent to Hinesville, a rural town outside of Savannah.  Glen says it’s 50% black and the other 50% has confederate flags in their yards. The rest are teaching volunteers how to canvass using smart phones.

And yes, there are women in our group.  I’ve requested videos of them.


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0 Comments to “Savannah Report”

  1. Karen Crosby says:

    Thanks for posting the awesome video. Great job all.

  2. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Thanks! Great video, progress being made. Thanks to Glen and the other support team, to the volunteers who made the trip as well.

  3. It’s really a good feeling to know we have helped these great kids to get to Georgia and work for our candidates. They will be an asset to Texas politics in the future.

  4. the flag thing is kinda scary – hope they are very, very careful – don’t want any ‘Mississippi Burning’ incidents

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    The locals didn’t know an election was taking place? They MUST be in the sticks! Good job everyone, keep the information flowing!

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    Hmmm. So I paid out 4 times as much to the campaigns to buy ads as I did to send live students, but the students immediately found someone who had not heard about the election despite the $1 billion spent on ads.

    I feel good about the students but correspondingly 4 times worse about the ad money.

  7. Congrats to Glen and our young democracy warriors! Great job! I canvassed the northern part of Georgia for McGovern when I was a student at UGA in 1972. The only advice I would give is to just be yourselves. Folks out in the sticks there can spot a phony a mile away so treat everybody like they are the friend you’ve been hoping to meet. I know this from summers traveling with my stepdad who sold and leased tractors and backhoes to folks in those small rural towns. The road to a better future (and real economic relief) for you and them runs through Georgia so you have that in common if they accuse you of carpetbagging (which they probably won’t to your face, bless their hearts!)

  8. Really good to see and hear these young folks (well, I’m old) be so good at their jobs! Thanks a lot.

  9. Chloe Bear says:

    Great video nice to live vicariously. Thank you future leaders of the Democratic party for doing the groundwork in Georgia!
